View Full Version : Escitalopram 8 weeks on...

09-02-16, 12:18
HI everybody....

Some of you may have read my posts here previously...

I have now been taking the generic version of lexapro "Escitalopram" for 8 weeks. I had horrendous stomach upset for a few weeks. So the last 2 weeks I've been well... feeling better... no stomach upset... no morning nauseousness, no acid, no chest pain... Last night I started a new box of a generic version (different box to the others due it being a different manufacturer but everything in it is exactly the same) and 1 hour later my stomach was doing wheelies. Felt nauseous all night. Sick this morning. Dry gagging. Just feeling unwell again. I went to Boots pharmacy and spoke with the pharmacist she told me that both generics are exactly the same and it shouldn't of made a difference. Is this in my head? I also asked her would I be better off going on Lexapro (Original) and she said wouldn't make a difference... Thoughts please? I'm on 10mg by the way... And I wouldn't say I'm completely anxiety free as of yet...

11-02-16, 13:51

don't worry it is completely all in your head, they are just the same and it is typical anxiety just looking for something to grab hold of and worry about

I was on Zoloft/Sertraline for quite a few years and was on different 'brands' throughout this period with no issues whatsoever and the same with Citalopram

It is a perfectly normal thing to question when you receive a different box but your best just forgetting it as it really is no different

Hope this puts your mind at ease