View Full Version : Complex Ovarian Cysts

09-02-16, 17:10
Hi all, any of my female friends out there have complex ovarian cysts? I am worried to death about this. My periods have been jacked up, I always feel bloated, gassy and have lower back pain. Look it up and BAM! Says Cancer. Great..... :scared15:

09-02-16, 17:22
It could also be ibs :) Don't jump to worse case scenario Have you seen your doctor?

09-02-16, 17:29
I've got 2 simple ovarian cysts but not complex (sorry not sure what the difference is) I do get a bit of pain lower left side from mine . I also get gassy etc but I also have IBS.

09-02-16, 17:37
I do have IBS as well. I had the ultra sound last week and that is how they found the complex cyst. I went for blood work yesterday so hoping for those results soon. I have to follow up in 6 weeks to monitor the cyst and see if it has gone. Until then I sit here a nervous mess. I know we shouldn't jump to conclusions but I truly am going nutty at the moment.

09-02-16, 17:40
I can understand your concerns and anxieties as I am going through something similar at the moment but there is usually a more simple explanation than the worst case one. If they thought it was something more serious I think they would be doing something sooner than monitoring in 6 weeks.

09-02-16, 20:31
Thanks Annie, love how our logical minds make total sense but our anxious ones override it. lol. Here is to praying for good results!

09-02-16, 20:46
I know, we just have to keep trying to talk some sense into ourselves :)

09-02-16, 21:28
I had one of these when I was peri menopausal. It was found on ultrasound and was 5 cms I think and I had to have mri scan and ca125 blood test to makes absolutely sure it was benign and it was. I was told it was due to oestrogen dominence in peri meno and I started using natural progesterone cream via private Dr ( this is not wild yam cream or anything you can buy over the internet) and he said the cyst would be gone in 6 weeks and I was totally amazed as were the Drs when at my 8 week follow up scan it had totally gone.

I can understand your worry as I was the same but its possible to have a complex cyst and it be totally innocent.

If my cyst had not gone itself then I would have been rescanned every 6 months.