View Full Version : I wrote a poem

09-02-16, 23:01
I see your mouth moving
I don't hear a word
My vision becomes like a tunnel
My head feel strange and obsurd
My throat feels like its swelling
My heart pounding out my chest
Stabbing pains shoot through me
I start to breath less and less
My stomach churns and flutters
I'm starting to feel sick
I'm dizzy and my legs are weak
I need to escape this, quick!
My hands and feet begin to tingle
And even start to go numb
I'm so scared, am I dying?
I'm crying, I need my mum
I shouldn't be feeling this
What the hell is wrong with me??
The doctors say its just chemicals
Its just my anxiety.

Catherine S
09-02-16, 23:04
Really good...my panic attacks described right there :D

Cath x

09-02-16, 23:08
Loved this perfect description .

10-02-16, 14:54
really like that, a lot of nice imagery in there .......
i'll post my latest poem later as well