View Full Version : ESA- Scared and stressed

09-02-16, 23:46
I went to the job centre today and was advised that I needed to make a claim for ESA rather than JSA because I'm not at all fit for work in my current condition. They were incredibly lovely and told me that my health comes first so I'm in the process of sorting out my claim.
I registered at a new doctor's surgery today so I have to wait for my patient records to be transferred over before I see them to get some help with my anxiety and also to ask for a sick note so I can start my ESA claim.
I'm in such a panic because I'm absolutely terrified of the Doctor refusing me a sick note. You hear all sorts of horror stories about unsupportive doctors and I'm absolutely terrified and in a complete state. I can't cope at the minute and every thing keeps going wrong so I can't help but feel like this will too!

10-02-16, 08:35
I'm in the same position 😢 waiting to see if I can get a GP appointment...then asking for the dreaded note.

---------- Post added at 08:35 ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 ----------

I'm unemployed, scared and I hate it �� best of luck to you. Let's hope we both get understanding GPs. I really don't feel fit to work at the moment. Its not an easy way out, I just feel like I need some support and unfortunately we still have to pay rent and bills so money is an issue. I can't leave my partner to pay it all on his own.

10-02-16, 16:03
Hi lostbridget

In my experience GPs don't offer much resistance when presented with a certificate of absence (I know!) request.

Do yourself a favour and make an appointment with the Citizens' Advice Bureau for assistance with your ESA claim.

I wish you the very best of luck.

10-02-16, 18:16
Like talktonight I think, if you describe your current symptoms, a GP should give you a sick note...my experience of GPs is that they have offered one to me when I've not even asked.

Get as much help with your claim as you can...just each step at a time...I know it seems impossible but try not to think to far ahead, just doing each day, or even hour is enough right now.

10-02-16, 20:30
Thank you all for your help. I wish I could rationalise but I just can't. My chest is so tight that I can barely breathe because I'm absolutely convinced that I won't get one. This is unbearable.

10-02-16, 20:37
I'm sure you'll get one easily. I know people who get them due to work stress as they simply need a few weeks off whereas you actually can't work at all so need it just as much if not more.

11-02-16, 08:36
Keep us updated on how you get on.
I'm hoping to apply for it soon too due to severe anxiety related to work.

11-02-16, 12:00
I saw a doctor today and she's completely shaken me up. I managed to get a 3 week certificate from her but it was like getting blood from a stone. She kept going on about how claiming ESA will affect my work in the future and kept going on about how I can make myself feel better by going for an hour walk each day! Absolutely ridiculous. I've applied for my ESA for those 3 weeks and arranged an appointment with a different doctor for the 23rd. Hopefully she'll be a bit more understanding!

11-02-16, 13:10
Ha! An hour walk a day will make you feel better....I used to walk about an hour a day (3 miles) and it did nothing for my mental health. I can't stand all this 'one size fits all' advice. Exercise simply doesn't give me any joy at all. Not to say it won't with toywof course I just don't believe it can all of a sudden make you able to work again.
As for it affecting future work, I've never heard such a thing. I can't believe some GP's, I certainly hope the next one is more helpful.

11-02-16, 13:21
Aw that's a shame :( I'm sorry the GP was so blunt and not very understanding.
Even the professionals can absolutely miss the point sometimes...apparently exercise is meant to improve mental health but I can't say it's done me any favours. In fact being out of the house makes me more anxious sometimes.

---------- Post added at 13:21 ---------- Previous post was at 13:20 ----------

At least you've been signed off now and can get the ball rolling.

I'm going to try and do the same in a few weeks time, I hope I get a nice GP :(

11-02-16, 13:29
I'm going to try and do the same in a few weeks time, I hope I get a nice GP :(

I'm sure you will! Don't let my experience put you off because there are plenty of helpful doctors out there. Part of the reason that this is so frustrating for me is because I had an absolutely incredible doctor before but have recently moved so I can't see him anymore :(

She even told me that a potential employer would choose another candidate over somebody that had been on ESA!

11-02-16, 20:38
Gosh that GP was not helpful at all, I'm sorry you had to go through that :hugs:

Well done for achieving so much today though, it can't have been easy.

11-02-16, 22:53
Thank you so much. No, it definitely wasn't!