View Full Version : A boomgate knocked me on the head!

10-02-16, 06:29
Or parking barrier if that's what you call it. I walked under it while it was raised forgetting it was there and took a hit to the top of my scalp when it came down. It was a terrible shock but I was able to get in my car and drive immediately after it and upon arriving at my workplace 5 minutes later, I felt sick. Not dizzy or nauseous, mostly anxious sick and my head ached in the spot I was hit but I didn't have a headache. But I asked my boss to call an ambulance and they were asking her a million questions and then they showed up.

Felt my head, felt my neck, checked heart rate, blood pressure, took a prick of my finger (don't even know what that was), several other things I was too anxious to take note of and said I was fine. All I could think was internal bleeding, etc and wanted to go to the hospital but they said "we would take you if we thought there was a need."

It's been almost 6 hours since that but I am not reassured. The spot where I was hit doesn't even hurt anymore but I still can't shake the fears of something happening later and how can they tell I'm fine without seeing inside my head?! I am scared of going to sleep tonight. When can I stop worrying? There's not even a bump which makes me worried there's internal damage but the paramedics weren't a bit concerned about no bump.

Would I know if something was seriously wrong...?

10-02-16, 07:58
Oh my god I'm dealing with something so similar! I just posted about it! Now I'm just noticing yours.

If you have been looked at and they don't seem worried than rest assured you are probably fine. If they thought it was serious enough to do a head scan then they would have. Something I keep trying to tell myself is that are skulls are decently sturdy and hard. They gotta protect our brains so unless you hit your head so hard it was cracked open and bleeding then you should be fine. I can only hope for my sake as well that something harder to the head would cause such bleeding. But I can totally relate to how you feel and we are going through something similar now so you're not alone in your worries. I wish I could tell myself this but positive thinking and you'll be fine.

10-02-16, 09:59
Wow that's bizarre! I presume health anxiety is just getting the better of us, but I can't help worrying. Before HA, I opened a heavy door right onto my nose! It was excruciating pain and I didn't give it a second thought. I feel ok besides a tight feeling on top of my head that I get from anxiety. That's what's annoying, not knowing what's anxiety and what isn't. It's not the unbearable headache the paramedics told me would happen if I had internal bleeding. It's just scalp pain fortunately. I already had my GP booked a few days ago for tomorrow so I can drive him nuts tomorrow with my worrying.

10-02-16, 10:17
Oh yes I feel the same I know I smacked the top of my head on the car roof getting into it and I feel like it was a harder hit and I remember not being worried like I am now.

What you said about falling being worse than knocking it definitely helps me a little. My anxiety is driving me crazy wondering if I am ok and I keep wanting to go to the ER but I also don't want O waste their time. I guess I'm going to see how I feel throughout the rest of the day. Let me know how your doctors visit goes! Especially if you get good advice about head bumps! /: and all I feel is a little tenderness on my scalp as well. Had my boyfriend feel around because I thought I had a dent but he says it feels normal even tho I still am worries if my head has alway felt like that. This totally sucks.