View Full Version : Hit my head & now I'm scared!

10-02-16, 08:46
Hi everyone, looking for some outside rational advice. I can't listen to my own thoughts about this because they're all scary!

Well I was carrying some laundry up the steps and managed to bump my head on the this wooden beam that's above my steps. I misjudged the height and came up the stairs at an odd angle and when I went to step up BAM. Smacked the top of my head off it.

Now, when it happened it hurt and obviously shocked me because I wasn't expecting to crack my noggin like that but the pain went away fairly quick and I was just left with "damnit I just hit my head!" Well then anxiety decided to tell me that now I'm going to have internal bleeding to my brain and I'm going to die. I've cracked my head similarly on the car roof and door frame before and maybe even harder and I'm still alive but I can't calm myself and I'm frightened about this. And the more I'm thinking about this I keep worrying if I'm feeling any pain in my head or neck and I feel like I may be causing myself pain. I already had shoulder pain before all this so this isn't helping.

Also worried about a blood clot from this or stroke even.

This is how crazy my mind is being.

What do your guys think? I'm also frightened to sleep tonight because of this. Don't know if I should go to the ER or not. Especially if this may be all nothing and I'm just being over dramatic.

Side note: no bump yet.. No bleeding.. Maybe some pain.

---------- Post added at 03:46 ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 ----------

Ugh. Now I feel like my head is dented or something. I've been feeling around my head and now I'm worried if I have a fracture of some sort and it's gonna kill me. I wish I had someone to talk too. And now I googled but I was trying to look up symptoms of it being serious and I've only causes myself more worry :(

10-02-16, 09:01
You are definitelybeing too worried about this! Our skulls are pretty strong, and minor hit like this won't cause any problems, especially if your symptoms are not worsening.

10-02-16, 10:05
We can stay up worrying together haha ;) I honestly think you're absolutely fine...and I'm trying to tell myself the same. Surface pain on the head is to be expected. The paramedics said a serious problem would present with severe symptoms which you don't have. In my googling I've found that falling can be worse than a knock because the brain can move around. I'm trying to tell myself it was simply a knock and a shock and you could use that mantra too :)

10-02-16, 14:16
Ugh, I can't sleep and I'm afraid too. Like I won't wake up or something. /: my boyfriend says I'm fine and that as many times he's hit his head that I have nothing to worry about. My boyfriends mom also says the same.. That I should stop thinking the worst and that she promises I'm fine as she has hit her head off the wooden beams under the steps too and she's hit her head of concrete and she was okay. I just can't stop worrying about this. I keep feeling around my scalp and am convinced I have a dent or flattened type spot. Not sure if my head has always felt this way or not but I'm worried it's a skull fracture. Not even sure if that's where I hit my head but I know I hit my head on the top. As of right now I seem fine.. I feel like my head may be a tad sore and maybe a headache but nothing else seems out of sorts with me.... Yet. While googling I have seen that symptoms can happen hours or even days later! I'm very scared about brain bleeding. I tried hinting to my boyfriends mom that I want to get it checked out but she doesn't seem concerned and probably thinks I'm worrying again. (Which I am) but I don't want to be the girl that cries wolf I want people to know I'm genuinely scared. I am! I feel like everyone will be irritated in having to take me to the ER :( I'm just so scared about this & I can't shake it.

I remember a few years ago I hit the top of my head off the car roof trying to get it. I feel like it was a similar hit and may have been more painful and I remember I was a little worried but definitely no where near how I am reacting to this now.


10-02-16, 15:37
I once hit my head severely in childhood, fell on the ice while skating, hit full force right with the back of my skull. Everything is still fine, if we are not counting my severe hypochondria :-)

10-02-16, 21:30
How are you feeling today? I will ask my GP all about head bumps today, rest assured. Remember too that a head bump is not a "head injury." I have tension on my head but probably because I am lying on my stomach on my bed looking down at my phone.

Also the paramedics said yesterday a head knock (as opposed to falling and hitting your head) in worst cases compresses the neck and spine but that would present with pain in the neck.

it makes a lot of sense that a fall is worse than a hit. If there's not even a bump and just some scalp soreness it means we hurt our skull and not even enough to cause a bump. One thing Google agrees on is brain bleeds and everything we are worried about don't silently creep up and it's rare that they develop days later. More like hours. I also read the side of the head is a more worrisome place to have hit or fall.

Before the paramedics left yesterday one said to my work colleagues "just look after her" and I freaked out and said "why?! Is something bad going to happen?!" And he said "I mean moral support." Haha. At that point i felt like a little kid who knocked her head. My boss said she didn't think calling an ambulance was necessary but merely did it because it's what I wanted. It just goes to show that we can't help overreacting.

Like I said, it's first on my list today for the GP (u have to keep a list when you have health anxiety haha) and I'll let you know :)

10-02-16, 23:08
Well I just woke up . I didn't wanna sleep but ended up falling asleep and so waking up is a good sign. I feel alright so far. Maybe a slight headache but sometimes I get those when I wake up. My neck doesn't seem to hurt. I'm home alone at the moment and worries something will happen. The brain bleeding happening in days is what worries me. I have to be scared about this for a few more days which I know I will be. My boyfriends mom keeps insisting I'm going to be fine . /: Ditapage yes let me know what your doc says. !

10-02-16, 23:32
The beauty of the human body is it's engineered to take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. Take the skull for instance. It's meticulously designed to take a major impact and protect the brain. In fact, it's one of the thickest most protected bone structures in the human body. Even when you've hit your head hard enough to cause a concussion (typically impacts associated with trauma), our body has a tremendous capacity to heal. If it weren't, most of humanity wouldn't have survived as long as we have.

I've banged my head as you described and then some. Other than a bump and being sore, I've not suffered any ill circumstances (some may argue that fact but ehhh). I'll bet my next paycheck, no, make that my years salary that you'll be just fine :)

Positive thoughts

10-02-16, 23:47

That's what I was thinking too that our skulls are one of our toughest bones. I agree, I hope what I did wouldn't be enough to cause bleeding within because like you said then many other people would be not alive right now if that was the case. Thankyou for your reply.. Very rational and very much something I needed to hear than my family saying "your fine" .
I should also take comfort in the fact that betting a years salary wouldn't be an option unless you were 100% sure. Lol . Trying to calm my what ifs and anxiety amped thinking is what I need to try & relax about.

11-02-16, 05:25
***So it's been about 21 hrs since I hit my head.
I've been having a mild headache and it's worrying me. I don't know if this is the type of headache they want to take seriously and I am very worried about the brain bleeding. :( what does anyone say?
I have been laying down most the day and just took a hour nap. I've been too worried and anxious to do anything much today except take a bath. Idk what to do :( other then the headache I don't feel like I have any other alarming symptoms.

11-02-16, 07:12
It's been 29hrs since I hit mine and I'm still panicked. I went to the GP like i said. He said if you could resume activity and had no other symptoms besides a sore head and not a severe headache, and you aren't stumbling around drowsy, vomiting, blurred vision, clear fluid leaking out of your ears or nose, you're fine. What we're worrying about is an extreme situation-- without these symptoms we are not in any danger. We likely won't be taken seriously at the ER with no symptoms of what we're fearing. Its like worrying about an anuerysm or some kind of cancer. Without symptoms, all we have is unfounded worries. No doctor is gonna take "I'm worried X might happen" seriously. It's like worrying a plane will crash into your house, because it COULD. But it hasn't. Our obsessive thoughts about what if is all part of our mental illness.

That's why they find health anxious hypochondriacs frustrating. My doctor actually looked tired looking at me, but I GET IT.. Last time I had an ear infection I was worried would become a brain abscess because I read something on Google... It's hard for a doctor to say this RARE thing won't happen or that it COULD happen because anything CAN happen. What DID happen was antibiotics cleared my infection and the brain abscess story remained a RARE Google link.

I want to go to the ER again. Why? Because my head hurts in the spot I got hit and i am anxious. What most people brush off as an "ouch" we lose our minds. I don't have a symptom that warrants a visit to the ER. Neither do you. Doctors can't treat something that doesn't exist. If you developed serious symptoms your boyfriend or his mother would get help. It doesn't say on any of the articles "if you feel anxious, get to the ER."

Different situation but my mum was in the ER a few months ago for SEVERE headache assumed to be a brain bleed because she was also vomiting. A CT was done and turned out to be severe dehydration caused by antibiotics she was taking. Point is, the symptoms were severe and there was no question about it. She wasn't on the internet looking up symptoms.

Our biggest problem is our mind feeding us horror stories and we're getting ourselves into a state about it. Do you have a bump where you hit it?

11-02-16, 08:15
I'm so happy you got back to me! I was anticipating your reply lol.
I'm also thankful I have a buddy to go through all this brain bleeding worry with.

Anyways, I read everything you said I'm not experiencing any of those things.. Except for a mild headache. And scalp feeling sore where I presume I hit it. As far as I can feel - I feel no bumps. But when I felt around I convinced myself I have a dent or flattened spot. On the top back middle area of my skull.. My boyfriend felt it and said I doesn't feel like anything bad. He then went to feel his moms head just a few minutes ago to rest my mind and he said she has a similar feeling spot. I don't really believe him and I'm not sure if my scalp has always felt like this or not honestly! I am worried it's a dent though. Which is why I wanted to go to the ER and about the headache as well and was going to in the morning but now after what you have said - I'm not sure if I should.. Even though it might put my mind at ease. /:

Oh and my boyfriend said all they will do if I go is ask the same things you said about dizziness and all those symptoms. Since he's gotten his head many times and gone to get it checked. He is so sure I'm fine and that he's hit his head way harder and he didn't die. Everyone just seems like I'm going to be fine and it drives me crazy because I wish I could believe them or feel the same but I can't.. All I can think about it my brain bleeding and not knowing it and I'm slowly dying. And a CT scan would be able to know for sure but I guess they won't even give me one if I'm not showing serious symptoms? :( ugh I hate feeling like this. And I keep worrying about getting symptoms a few days or in a week because I read concussion symptoms can take that long. Ugh.

11-02-16, 10:05
I'm happy to have a buddy as well! So bizarre that the anxiety monster troubled us in the same way. I asked if you had a bump because I don't feel one and that can mean we didn't hit our head hard enough. I hit my head up the top towards the back. Where was yours?

You could go to the ER for reassurance. You could honestly say you're anxious... I've been there so many times for no reason that I'm at the point where it's embarrassing to go. I'm just going to try and stop worrying and accept that I don't have crazy symptoms. Your boyfriend sounds really supportive and try to be positive :) I'm so glad you posted...it feels good not to be alone in this madness! :)

11-02-16, 10:44
I would say I hit mine also on the top and towards the back as well!! And yeah I really don't feel any bumps. Yes I'm trying to be positive and the headache seems to subsided I had taken an ibuprofen earliar so I guess it works which I guess is a good sign. I really don't know if I'm going to go or not. Part of me wants too but if they aren't going to give me a head scan (they didn't for you) then i don't know what the point would be. Or if it would really reassure me like I think. It's been over 24hrs for the both of us & neither of us have displayed any serious symptoms which again should be a good thing right?
Also i don't know if it's just me being anxious but I feel like laying down makes my head sore. When I'm up walking around I don't feel any soreness or headache. Also if I actually dented my skull I wonder if my head would feel painful and Id be in pain? Man, who knew bumping your head could cause such fear!!

11-02-16, 10:52
I don't want to jump in too much, but I ALSO hit my head yesterday and it flared up my anxiety. Searching on here for reassurance instead of googling, I stumbled across this and can't believe there were others feeling almost exactly the same!

I didn't think too much of it at the time (I stupidly walked in to a low ceiling!) but woke up with a headache. Its horrid because my anxiety can make me feel kind of floaty anyway, so I keep worrying it concussion or something related to hitting my head!

Sending positivity your way! Reading your posts helped me to calm down a little when I was sure something was up with my brain!

11-02-16, 11:03
Lol dharmatown! Welcome to the head hitting anxiety club :roflmao:
I guess head bumping is a pretty normal thing to do and if that's the case we couldn't all die from it because there would be no one left !
I guess if all you have is a headache you should be fine.. I also felt like I was having a mild headache and it worried me but if it's nothing severe and intense like Ditapage said then all should be well.

Sending the same positivity to you as well!

11-02-16, 11:12
Savvy, they very likely won't give you a scan. I even wanted to go to the hospital with the paramedics and they said no. And because I was panicking, I got a phone call from my boss tonight and they don't want me to have a breakdown on the job and have told me I can't work for a month until I see a psychologist! I hit my head, of course i was panicked. I can't believe it. But it is what it is. An ambulance coming to work is a big deal and I knew I'd get a talking to when their diagnosis was "panic attack."

You're coping better than me because I'd be a real mess if I hadn't gotten help or seen a doctor. I guess I've already gone and had reassurance so if you feel that would really help you, I can't disagree. Since this HA beast started taking over my life, every ache or pain has me in a panic. It doesn't matter what professionals tell me, I will still Google myself sick.

ive googled head injuries so much this afternoon I wanted to be sick. I know "normal people" don't do this.

Wow it's the week of hitting heads! Hi dharma, I totally understand the floaty feeling from anxiety. That's the annoying thing- my head always hurts and I feel tired and dazed and nauseous from anxiety so I can't tell the difference. But we all (anyone else hit their head!? Haha) just have to remember there are symptoms we DON'T have.

How is everyone's head feeling? I have tension in my scalp, shoulders, neck, jaw.

11-02-16, 11:56
My neck also feels kinda tense ! Again hoping it isn't related to the head bumping :(
I still got a few more hours to decide if I wanna go to the ER. My boyfriends mom said to be awake when she goes to leave for work. I feel like I'm annoying everyone because like I said my boyfriend & his mom say I'm fine. I'm feeling anxious at the moment. Any random head pain (whether I'm imagining it or not) makes me feel so upset like I seriously can't get that brain bleeding senario outta my head.. It's there creeping in my thoughts and I hate it! I wonder how many days pass and your seen as for sure in the clear from any brain injury? I keep reading your advice from your gp Ditapage to help me to stay rational. Ugh.
Oh and I definitely think I have a tender spot on my head from the hit. It's sensitive and makes some slight pain when I feel around.. Hoping that's normal /: .

07-07-18, 16:18
DitaPage, could you give me a hand at my problem? It's similar to yours:

Can't add links so i'l add the title here: Need Opinion on a personal health head issue

Cheers :)

07-07-18, 16:21
The OP hasn't been on the site in a couple of months and this thread is over two years old. One can safely assume, he's fine.

Positive thoughts