View Full Version : Please help

10-02-16, 09:42
Hey guys,

I really need help :-(

This whole 24/7 Deja vu and flashes of memories constantly 24/7 is really starting to scare me :-(

I haven't slept a full night in 3 months I wake up every hour I feel like I'm in a dream state.

Constant racing thoughts during the day and at night, snippets of things people have said, bits from tv constant music in my head false memories, made up stories really scary closed eye hullucinations very vivid dreams were I feel physical sensations etc. I read somewhere on this forum from 2015 I think by SADnomore who said they experienced 24/7 Deja vu aswell.. But I need some help :-(

This all happened majorly after a massive panic attack in October where I thought I was dying followed by a couple more in the following days and months :-(

11-02-16, 12:03
Deja vu linked to anxiety recently here


I imagine it's pretty disturbing but getting really freeked out by it is only going to keep you in a perpetual state of anxiety. You're feeling it at the moment, ok not much you can do about that at this point, but maybe try to adopt some management techniques to give you a sense of control until you see improvement. This may relax you and help reduce it.

What about keeping a dated/timed diary on your phone etc. I tend to do this anyway these days to track moods/diet/upturns/downturns.
You can use it to create little time stamps of things you're doing. It'll show you when you did things. If it feels like you've already done this thing your diary will show you if you have or not.

When you can distinguish what's deja vu and what's not hopefully you can observe the reality of what is happening for you and hopefully that will take a lot of the fear out of it.

Clear your bloodstream of stress hormones regularly with a bit of exercise.

Fish oil is supposed to lower anxiety in the general population of taken in the right doses. Maybe give that a go.

Get your pen/mobile phone out. You can get a handle on this.

11-02-16, 12:10
when I get deja-vu I panic its a sign im about to die, I always think that ive seen or dreamt that moment and it always had something to do with me finding out horrible news about my health! of course I was just being silly. my anxiety was just really bad at the time, ive calmed down an incredible amount since and I don't get these feelings anymore.

11-02-16, 23:43
Hi Gad,
All of the thoughts/ Dejavus/ flashbacks are all down to severe anxiety. And that is exactly what they are: JUST thoughts.
Your mind and body are in a constant state of heightened anxiety so the mind is playing tricks that's all. They will not hurt you so let them come and sure enough when you start to calm down the overthinking will lessen.
As anxiety sufferers we analyse every single thought and sensation in both our mind and body. Before you were anxious you probably had flashbacks and strange thoughts then but didn't pay much attention to them. I have been where you are and its horrible but it WILL get better but only when you stop paying so much attention to it.
Easier said than done I know but please try and find something that you like to do if only for 10 minutes to give yourself a rest.
Take care XX

12-02-16, 15:11
Hi guys thanks for the replys,

I have been trying to ignore it all and do things ignore the memories and stuff but they keep coming up some of them not as much as before but my thoughts are constantly racing especially at night which stops me sleeping aswell :-( The Deja vu is horrible :-(