View Full Version : High blood pressure

10-02-16, 13:20
For the past day ive had symptoms of pressure in my head fast hard pulse and feeling like I'm going to faint, I do suffer with anxiety but I am so scared that i have high blood pressure and it's going to cause something serious.
I can feel my temples throbbing and I feel spaced out I'm not sleeping properly as I keep waking up with panic attracks I'm scared my anxiety is making my blood pleasure scarily high :( does this happen?! x

10-02-16, 15:32
I'm not sure about 'scarily high' but I've read anxiety increases blood pressure. It makes sense really as I was told anxiety is basically adrenaline out of control. I doubt it can cause any problems.
Could this not be some form of migraine?

10-02-16, 16:34
High blood pressure does NOT have symptoms - and this is one of the reasons is often goes undetected. It is an old wives' tale that regular nosebleeds are symptomatic of high BP, or regular headaches etc. These are probably more to do with anxiety.

BUT, if someone is anxious about regular headaches, migraines or some other health issue, then this anxiety can (but not always) raise blood pressure.

Simple thing to get checked out at the surgery - not necessary to make a GP appointment, one of the practice nurses can check your BP.

10-02-16, 18:17
Thank you both for your comments.
If it does raise blood pressure I've read that would take months and months of it being constantly high to cause problems is this true? I last had mine checked in August.
Funny you should mention migraine I do have a headache coming on now I've never suffered with them befor tho
When pregnant they say to watch out for high blood pressure like floaters etc but I don't have that.

I will get checked out but today all I've been doing is focusing on the pressure in my head and it's really setting of my HA :(

11-02-16, 00:39
Anxiety can definitely raise blood pressure and pulse temporarily.

I was just at the doctor yesterday and I always get extremely panicky there...and my BP was 140/90. I am otherwise healthy and 26 years old, and the first thing the doctor commented on was my elevated vitals due to anxiety.