View Full Version : Uni help anxiety

10-02-16, 17:52
I'm in my final year and have developed stress anxiety attacks and panic attacks from the stress of it all.
The workload has become very hard for me to cope, I'm also doing a dissertation along side the work.

Some of the work I'm baffled by, it's work I basically mentally can't do (I'm too thick) . I'm in way above my head and the grades I've gotten so far are between 35-45% so your lucky if I even come out with a third once I've done the current work and exams.

- my course is a top up and not worth as much as normal degree
- it's making me depressed and ill
- I don't think I'll want to use this in the future

I've a meeting with my teachers this week about it but they can't do my work for me etc

I need to somehow figure out how to do the work and start it now or I decide and quit .

Please help !
Thanks in advance

10-02-16, 18:53

Sorry you feel like this I remember feeling totally overwhelmed at uni too. In all honesty it is not the be all and end all, I work with a woman who never did A levels and now has an amazing job. The trick is to figure out what you want to do in life and get skills for that, hope this helps


10-02-16, 20:28
Try to take things one step at a time, split the assignments into smaller parts and work on one part at a time. Your uni would probably have a mitigation process, use that if you think the anxiety is affecting your performance. I sometimes find it hard to get down to studying...but I try to get rid of the distractions (e.g. TV) and sit down to study even if I don't feel like it. I find that after a while it becomes easier to focus.

10-02-16, 20:30
If you are in your last year you will only have a few months before you finish so don't quit. The final year is the most difficult especially with the dreaded dissertation! My children have all been through uni and one of my sons struggled and didn't pass all the modules so he didn't get his degree. He stuck it out to the end though and was given some sort of qualification. This helped him to find work and he is now earning the highest out of all my children.
I suggest you speak to someone in student support and let them know your worries and concerns. It is all very difficult at the moment and the pressure can be over powering so please speak to someone for support.