View Full Version : My son's eyelashes ... I'm feeling CRAZY!

10-02-16, 19:21
Please look at the attached photo. My son is 2 years old and these are the eyelashes on his right eye. Obviously he's sleeping right now and that's the only time I can get a pic of them that's not blurry. Anyway, if you look in the center you'll see a cluster of black lashes. When his eyes are open its very obvious. Anyway, this has me freaking out. I literally can't think of anything else. Why? Back in the fall he was seen at a pediatric dermatologist because of some pigmentation issues. The dermatologist felt that he might have vitiligo but didn't think that they were the patches that are seen with tuberous sclerosis. Well, now I'm scared that this eyelash thing is a new patch of some sort. The thing is the lashes are *not* white which is the color that they would be if there was a pigmentation problem. Regardless I am worry myself sick that there is some kind of issue related to pigmentation going on here and that it could be associated with tuberous sclerosis. Keep in mind that I am going through serious health anxiety with myself as well. It's been going on for about 6 months but has gotten markedly worse over the last 2 months. Do the lashes look normal to you?

10-02-16, 19:23
I should note that the part that I'm worried about is where the lashes go up on the lash line (in the center.) the lashes to the right and left of that are blonde.

10-02-16, 19:27
Ok... you're obviously going through a rough patch so it makes sense you would see something where it doesn't exist but really, I'm not a doctor but they look totally normal! Jumping to something as tuberous sclerosis is a pretty BIG leap don't you think? Especially in light of an all clear by a medical professional.

Positive thoughts

10-02-16, 19:32
Please look at the attached photo. My son is 2 years old and these are the eyelashes on his right eye. Obviously he's sleeping right now and that's the only time I can get a pic of them that's not blurry. Anyway, if you look in the center you'll see a cluster of black lashes. When his eyes are open its very obvious. Anyway, this has me freaking out. I literally can't think of anything else. Why? Back in the fall he was seen at a pediatric dermatologist because of some pigmentation issues. The dermatologist felt that he might have vitiligo but didn't think that they were the patches that are seen with tuberous sclerosis. Well, now I'm scared that this eyelash thing is a new patch of some sort. The thing is the lashes are *not* white which is the color that they would be if there was a pigmentation problem. Regardless I am worry myself sick that there is some kind of issue related to pigmentation going on here and that it could be associated with tuberous sclerosis. Keep in mind that I am going through serious health anxiety with myself as well. It's been going on for about 6 months but has gotten markedly worse over the last 2 months. Do the lashes look normal to you?

I agree with FMP I don't see anything wrong with them. They look perfect to me :)

I understand why you're worrying though. Because also as FMP said, you're going through a rough patch. And I think, you're bound to worry and after all, he is your son, you will worry about him. Especially if he's already been through a lot.

10-02-16, 20:06
Yes, I know it's crazy. I'm posting here for support and reassurance, I guess. My mom is coming for dinner and I'm going to talk to her about what's going on with me. This illness was in "remission" for 15 years and I'm going through the nightmare I went through before all over again. She's really the only person I can talk to about it in real life. It's awful :/

10-02-16, 20:16
wish my lashes looked like that! mine are falling out! they look nice and thick to me, id me more worried if he hardly had any. try not to worry after a doctor telling you hes ok

10-02-16, 20:20
Yes, I know it's crazy. I'm posting here for support and reassurance, I guess. My mom is coming for dinner and I'm going to talk to her about what's going on with me. This illness was in "remission" for 15 years and I'm going through the nightmare I went through before all over again. She's really the only person I can talk to about it in real life. It's awful :/

That's totally fine :) We all do it! I think it's good to talk to your mum about it. She'll support you 100% and be there for you. Might even make you feel better about the whole ordeal! :)

You'll get through it again! You seem like a tough cookie! :)

10-02-16, 20:25
They look perfectly normal to me. It must be so hard worrying about yourself and also your children.
I'm a Mother and have a long term partner and I only ever worry about me lol. It sounds so selfish but I'm so realistic with them yet when it comes to me I think the worst.
We all get relapses, nothing to be ashamed of although highly frustrating. Hopefully your Mom will be able to offer some comfort.

This probably sounds daft and I have no idea if it's possible but I know a lot of children's eyes darken, could their lashes not also darken too?

10-02-16, 20:45
Wow, your son has killer eyelashes, so beautiful!
First of all, they look perfectly fine to me.
Second, in tuberous sclerosis the problematic zone would be of light color, not dark. I know because I worry about TS in my daughter right now, and googled everything on Earth about it already.
You are the first I've found on this forum (via search), who worries about TS in kid too. I'm absolutely sure your boy doesn't have it. Spots in TS are rather specific, and dermatologists have given you all clear.
But I understand you soooo well! I'm going crazy worrying about TS in my daughter too. You can see my first post here. It is a crazy moment in our lives, isnt't it?
From what I've read about TS (a lot) - your son doesn't have it! :)

11-02-16, 01:55
Thanks for your responses and reassurances. I talked to my mom today and confessed that I've been going through a tough time lately. She is getting ready to leave town for about 6 weeks to be with my dad on a work assignment and offered to stay to help me work through this. I don't think I really want her to though bcs she lives about an hour and a half away from me so she would only be able to come over once a week or so and spend the day (she has a sick cat that can't be left overnight.) It would be asking too much to have my dad fly here every weekend to be with her too.

Anyway, I told her my worry du jour and she said that she didn't think there was anything wrong with his lashes but that I could bring him to the doctor for peace of mind. I told her that her saying this automatically made me think that she thinks there's something to be worried about. She told me that that wasn't the case.

A little while later, after working myself up, I took another photo of my son with really good lighting and sent it to an online pediatrician. I paid $56 for him to tell me that it was completely normal and he asked if I was a first time mom :/ I can only imagine what he was really thinking/saying on the other side of the keyboard! If it wasn't so sick it would be funny, right?!

I really need to get it together. I have an appointment next Friday to get some of my own health concerns addressed. I mostly know that the symptoms that I'm having are related to hormonal imbalance from extended breastfeeding as an older mom (I'm 41.) I am guessing that my estrogen is probably super low and this is causing a myriad of symptoms. But, still, the HA part of me thinks "what if?"

11-02-16, 04:58
They honestly look normal.