View Full Version : Awaiting blood work...worried sick :(

10-02-16, 20:29
I was semi-diagnosed with Mono (Glandular Fever) about 3 weeks ago with a positive Monospot test. The only issue is that the Epstein Barr Virus test came back negative, and typically EBV causes Mono. I saw my doctor again today, who re-tested me for EBV, but also told me that my white blood cell count was very low- atypical of Mono and my C-Reactive Protein was sky high.

Long story short, I had another blood test and will hopefully get those results in the next couple days....But right now I am just worried sick awaiting the results. I have been dealing with swollen lymph nodes, fevers, and fatigue for about a month now. I'm terrified the EBV will come back negative and I will have to start getting tested for a lot of scary illnesses that can cause a positive Mono test- Leukemia, Lymphoma, Lupus, etc. All 4 illnesses carry the same symptoms.

Anyway, I suppose I just needed to vent or talk with anyone who has possible dealt with this. I feel very anxious awaiting these results. Hoping for the best..

10-02-16, 20:34
leukemia and lymphoma carry a high wbc im sure this is not what you have!! I don't know much about lupus apart from its autoimmune an old friend was recently diagnosed and she says it has flare ups and remissions and shes never mentioned any nodes to me. have you looked more into mono? maybe you can have it without ebv

10-02-16, 20:37
I have looked into it...EBV is the typical carrier. There is another virus that could possibly cause it, but it's more rare. Everything I have read with Mono states WBC will be very high as it is fighting the virus. Mine was very low. I guess I am concerned because it has been a month and my lymph nodes are still swollen, still very fatigued, and still dealing with fevers on and off...I've never hoped that a test will come back positive, but I REALLY hope this EBV does this time!!

10-02-16, 21:07
I bet you are worried, didn't you get given any maybes or if's off the doctor or what the other causes may be? which nodes are raised? and by raised do you mean massive or just more prominent? are they testing you for anything else? I do think you have the cancers ruled out though since they raise the wbc at a rapid speed. I hope you start feeling better soon

10-02-16, 22:02
Well we are waiting to see what comes back with this round of blood tests. If it's all still the same, he said a neck CT would be next (where my lymph nodes are swollen). He still seems to think it is viral and he tends to be very cautious, but I can't help worrying...