View Full Version : help really worring?

28-02-07, 10:15

does any1 have info on cellultis, my dad had cancer in 2004 in his leg, hes been ok really but about a week ago he had pains in his leg, then started being sick etc, the dr came said its cellulitis but he hasnt got better and was admitted to hospital last night, his girlfriend just called to tell me, she is going to rng later with news im sure its the cancer back, god i cant cope i lost my mum is aug 2000 when i was 19,; and now this is happening. i just want him to be ok.

leanne xx

28-02-07, 10:58
Sorry hun I don't know anything about this condition but I am sure someone will be along soon who does.

Meanwhile have a hug (((L))).

Love Piglet xx

28-02-07, 12:06
Cellulitis can be a very painful condition, sometime it is treated quite well with oral antibiotics but sometimes the infection extends outwith the original area, you can often see it visibally spreading, this usually always requires intravenous antibiotics and a stay of a few days in hospital. I have never seen some one who was admitted with cellulitis going on to be diagnosed with cancer in that area. I understand why you are worried but i have seen some patienst quite unwell with this infection, they probably just want your dad in hospital to treat him with i/v antibiotics and to monitor his condition, its the best place for him to be at the moment. Oh and by the way i have seen it in many ages from 16 to 90. I wish your dad a speedy recovery

04-03-07, 16:44

ive been 2 see my dad 2day, his leg is still red but the pain has gone, the drs said that if the infection gets in the bone there is nothin they can do but cut his whole leg off. i hope this wont happen, i feel so sad.

im hoping that as its starting to go down that will be it.


04-03-07, 17:33
Im glad that the pain has gone, this is a good sign, if the infection was going into your dads bone the pain wouldnt have got better. Im pretty sure that the redness will start to settle now too, i am sure that the redness hasnt spread any further now since he has been started on intravenous antibiotics

05-03-07, 06:27
hi Nell

yes the nurse drew an outline around the redness and u can see its gone down a bit. i think im worring because he seems so negative. his potassium levels have dipped which they say may cause cardiac arrest. hes on somthing 4 that now though. thanx so much for replying.

leanne x

05-03-07, 17:06
Im not surpised that you are worrying when i hear some of the things that you have been told at the hospital...lose his leg...cardiac arrest!!! I know that patients have to be kept informed but there is such a thing as too much information. There are loads of people out there who have a slightly elevated or lower potassium, it has to be fairly low or very high to cause severe cardiac problems,im sure a few days on slow k or sando k will do the trick.I just wish they would think twice before they open their mouths