View Full Version : Thyroid Disease

10-02-16, 22:35
My dad has the thyroid disease where he makes too much of the hormone. I had a cbc a few weeks ago and it came out fine. I have not had my thyroid tested in a year and have to wait till march 1rst to see that dr. Hospitals wont suggest the test. I get hot flashes random during every hour of the day. My body gets all hot and then cools down within 3 or so minutes. I get the hot flashes on exertion too always. Just wondering if anyone can suggest tests or ideas of what this may be? I have had a mri last year and my brain was fine, had a abdominal and chest ct and was fine ( hot flashes started jan 9th.) and now joint pains wich occured after a head concussion a week or so ago and these damn hot flashes I get daily my head and back sweat. I dono what I am supposed to think from this mess. Hate it, itchy too on the hands. Frustrating, I was getting better

11-02-16, 00:32
Have you had any viral illnesses recently? Sometimes low level viruses can take a while to clear and you can still get periods of feeling hot even when you're on the mend. Your cbc was fine, so I'm sure it's nothing significant. Incidentally, I suffer from an autoimmune thyroid disease, and when it was over active, I would get incredibly hot, but had many other symptoms as well such as tachycardia, weight loss and tremor.

11-02-16, 05:26
Hm. So could be my past infection? Worried its something bad. Thx ey

11-02-16, 15:52
You would have much more severe symptoms if you were hyperthyroid. My whole family have thyroid problems and as alot on here know I trained as an advisor for a thyroid charity.

Have you by any chance been googling symptoms of overactive thyroid? I don't want to list the symptoms because of others who might read this.

Have you discussed your worry with you Dr? Is the next test just a yearly routine one?

12-02-16, 05:02
I was tested last year just to make sure everything was good. January I did a cbc also and that was good. It;s just my knuckles are hurting more than they day they started to hurt. It all happened after I got the concussion. My bones hurt in my hands but my knuckles hurt the most. My hands are all warm and sore. People are saying (not drs) that is could be my fibro. Everything was ok before that small head concussion. I am so afraid now that that bugger who hit us has destroyed my whole life.

***oddly enough the fingers that hurt the most is the one after the thumb, those 2, not bone cancer right? I had a bone scan last year with radioactive dye, they said i was cancer free and these dang hot flashes are freaking me out.****maybe rheumatoid arthritis. Going to have to get that tested. I dont see inflammation tho. Hate the itchy too. I was getting better :(

22-02-16, 13:28
Hi senalarose,

Just to chime in and hopefully reassure you. Like Darwin73 I have autoimmune thyroid disease, and when it was overactive I had the following signs and symptoms:

Weight loss
Slightly bulging eyes
Really lank hair - I couldn't style it no matter what I did
A visible lump in my neck (goitre)
Very slight tremor

The GP said I was a textbook case - there was nothing vague about it and there was more than one indicator.

I have always had trouble regulating my temperature and when I had my thyroid ablated (destroyed), my thyroid hormone levels dropped the other way and I felt incredibly cold all the time. Overheating could be due to so many things - I get very hot when I sleep, and bake when I am having an anxious period.

I hope this helps. It doesn't sound to me like a thyroid problem based on my experience but I hope the tests give you the reassurance you're after :)

Take care,


22-02-16, 13:35
Maybe your Father having it has made you more likely to look out for symptoms of it in yourself? A few members of my family, including my Dad have an underactive thyroid and I was convinced in December that I too had one. My Dad's only symptoms were tiredness and low mood. No classical weight gain or anything.

27-02-16, 02:35
found out i had no auto immune so my thyroid is ok, still have breathing issues and sweats and hot flashes. Had a xray last month and it was fine. I think I am still fighting a lung infection since my slip up with a night of crack. I had a great ct of my lungs last year so everyone on here is trying to reassure me that it is impossible to have destroyed my lungs in one year from a good ct scan.

29-02-16, 10:45
Hello again. Good to hear that your test results came back clear :)

let's hope the other symptoms subside for you and if you do have a lung infection I hope it clears up soon. I find breathing steam is helpful when I have a cold or chest infection :hugs: