View Full Version : Interview

28-02-07, 10:46
I'm off to a job interview in 10 minutes and I'm very, very nervous!

Been knocking back the Rescue Remedy but doesn't seem to be hitting the spot :mad:

Wish me luck! :wacko:

Kate x

28-02-07, 10:50
Oh I really do hun!

As soon as you get back, get on here and tell us how it went.

Lots and lots of luck mate - how exciting :D :D :D

Love Piglet xx

28-02-07, 11:26
Good luck hun!! Just concentrate on your breathing, relax your shoulders and hold your head high! You will get through it!!

28-02-07, 11:48
Great so when do you start!!!! Dshell? we all believe in you!!!!

28-02-07, 12:01
Good luck Kate,

I hope it goes well, they'd be mad not to see your potential! :D

Lisa x

28-02-07, 12:17

I hope the interview went well mate, let us know how you got on, i bet you knocked them dead lol


Trac xx

28-02-07, 13:37
Thanks everyone, your positiveness must have made me relax!

It went really well but I don't know if I will have got it, though I hope I have cos it seems a lovely place to work.

Anyway, even if I don't get it at least I actually managed to get there, I was on the verge of cancelling this morning :o especially as I had to throw a sicky to get the day off!

Will let you know as soon as I hear anything :D

Kate x

28-02-07, 14:00
Well done Kate. Keeping fingers crossed for you.

Jo x

28-02-07, 15:21
Well done Kate and glad it went well. I hope you get it and hear soon.

Lisa x

28-02-07, 15:31
I think you were brilliant for even going hun and I shall keep my fingers crossed for you! :D


28-02-07, 17:06
Thanks Piglet, Lisa and Jo.


28-02-07, 18:41
Well done for going Kate, will keep my fingers crossed for you mate :D


Trac xx

28-02-07, 19:38
Good luck with the job Kate!

Hope you get it and you will be happy there.


28-02-07, 20:25
Thanks Trac and Nic.

Kate x

02-03-07, 15:24
Well, oh my flipping gosh, I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!

There was a message on the answerphone when I got in from work. I've to phone them on Monday to finalise hours :D

It has been such a good week for us. My son passed his driving test as well yesterday!

Thanks everyone for your support ;)


02-03-07, 15:30
Congratulations to you. ;)

Ann x

02-03-07, 15:31
:yahoo: :emot-woot: :emot-cheering: :yesyes: :emot-highfive:

Well done Kate!

Come on then tell us all the details about it.

I have a 2nd interview next week for a job I don't even want so it is nice that you are so pleased to have got yours.


02-03-07, 15:40
Congratulations Kate, knew you could do it :D :D :D

Lisa x

02-03-07, 16:39
woo hoo well done matey way to go bet you feel so good :D

Well done to your son too he can start to taxi his mum about now in pay back for all the times you have ferried him about lol

Take care

Trac xx

02-03-07, 16:50
Wow !!!!:D :D :D

Congratulations to the both of you!!:D :D :D

That's really super news mate - do tell us all about it. :D

Love Piglet xx

02-03-07, 19:56
Awww, thanks so much everyone!

Trac, my car just aint my own since yesterday! It keeps going off for little drives with son!

Well about the job. It's at a pre school working with little ones aged 2.5 to 5. I used to help out at a playgroup about 10 years ago and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I was only getting about £20.00 per week at the time as wages had to come out of the playgroups profits. Nowadays, things are run very differently. Pre schools have ofsted reports the same as schools and salaries are paid on an hourly rate, as with any other job. You also get the same legal terms and conditions as other jobs.

I left the previous playgroup as I needed to be earning a better wage but I always wanted to get back to working with the littlies again.

I will also be able to work towards my NVQ in childcare in my new job. It is such a dream come true and I am sooo amazed that they chose me!

Funnily enough, my counsellor asked me recently what I would really like to change in my life. I told him I really would like a new job in childcare! He will be so pleased when I tell him what's been happening when I see him next week!

Nic, I hope your second interview goes well, mate :D


02-03-07, 20:10
WELL DONE KATE :) :yesyes:

Congratulations on your new job!

Karen xx

02-03-07, 20:11
Ah.. what fantastic news! :emot-cheering:

Well done! I hope you really enjoy it, it certainly sounds like you will.

Being able to do your NVQ at the same time is fab - what a deal!

Good luck for your first day.:D

02-03-07, 21:25
Kate I actually remember you telling me this over a year ago, so I am absolutely chuffed for you mate.

I worked as a classroom ass for 4 years in the infants and I loved that - small humans are wonderful :D :D :D :D

Really well done :D :D :D

Piglet xx

02-03-07, 22:11
Sounds great Kate, good luck with it all. Let us know how it goes when you start :)

Lisa x

07-03-07, 18:48
I handed in my notice today and start at the pre school after Easter.

I've been on such a high the last few days but then today I keep crying :blush:


07-03-07, 18:51
Aww Kate :hugs:

It is natural to feel a little sad about leaving, even though you are starting a job you want. I think we all need to grieve to an extent when making changes and then we are able to move on.

The excitement of starting your new job will return :)

Karen xx

07-03-07, 19:07
Don't cry hun - it's gonna be fab!! :D


Piglet :flowers:

07-03-07, 19:38
Hiya Kate

When we had out leaving do in January I was a blubbering mess at the end. Me and Mel were crying for everyone I think LOL. It was hard to believe we wouldn't see each other again for sometime.

It was hard but we still keep in touch via email and all the "girlies" from work are meeting up in 2 weeks time for a meal and catch-up.

You will be fine - the tears are a natural release of all the emotions so you cry mate. :weep: :emot-fail: :meh:

Sending you a :hugs:


07-03-07, 20:25
Congratulations, Kate!
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

07-03-07, 21:17
:yesyes: awwwwwwww I bet your over the moon Kate!!!! and it really is a joy as well as a challenge working with the little ones, to think Kate you can also get an NVQ whilst working. I wish you every success and lots of fun along the way. All the very best to you and big congrats!!! skylight

08-03-07, 15:17
Thanks everyone for the replies.

I don't know if it's because I will be sad to leave as such more that it is all new stuff that I will have to be doing. It's so easy just to stay with what you know I suppose even if you aren't particularly happy.

I still don't feel very happy today even though the good news continues with my son getting 3 A's and a B in his A levels. I'm pleased about this of course but I still feel a bit kind of deflated.

Having a LOT of problems with Hannah, my daughter, as well at the moment. Flaming OCD :mad:.

Anyway, nearly the weekend so I can have a nice lie in :yesyes:

Kate x

08-03-07, 15:40
Well done Kate, that's marvellous news. How old is Hannah? I can relate to daughter problems and mines' only 11

08-03-07, 17:36
Hi Jo,

Hannah has just turned 15 but was diagnosed when she was about 12. OCD plus the teenage years is not a good combination!

Kate x

08-03-07, 22:15
Urg, so things don't get any easier then? lol Sorry to hear about the OCD, I can be glad I don't have that to contend with.

08-03-07, 22:36
Girls eh!:wacko:


22-03-07, 21:29
Only one more week now until I leave the school kitchen :ohmy:

I've got my induction at the pre school on Friday of next week. I'm getting kind of scared/excited/apprehensive at the moment.

Our house sale has fallen through for the second time. We out it back on the market again last Saturday and have sold it again. Third time lucky hopefully!

Does anyone else find that when they are stressed by things ie the two things above, then their anxiety seems much worse overall?

I had been getting a lot better about the general none specific type worrying, but since the job offer and the flipping house situation, I've been worrying none stop.

Son is going out boozing with his mates tomorrow night and daughter is going to a party. My anxiety is really high about both these things but I had really started to conquer these worries in the last few months. Anyone else noticed that the same thing happens to them?


22-03-07, 22:24
Does anyone else find that when they are stressed by things ie the two things above, then their anxiety seems much worse overall?

Absolutely hun!!

If there are extra stressors in my life then yes my general anxiety levels do rise. I start pulling out my Glenn Harrold tapes at this point and my cottonwool balls with lavendar oil on them and I do more yoga. I find these things do help almost like a comfort blanket to calm the anxiety.

Do you have any little methods that you can try???

Love Piglet :flowers:

22-03-07, 23:15
Hi Kate,

It's natural that starting a new job and the house sale would make your anxiety seem worse overall mate. Moving house and starting a new job are both classed as pretty stressful even for non anxious people. They are both exciting too and remember excitement feels pretty much the same as anxiety.

Can't help on the son and daughter question as I don't have kids but I expect most parents have felt like that at times.

Take care and let us know how things go.


Lisa x

31-03-07, 11:15
Well, I left the school on Thursday and had some lovely pressies and cards. I wont miss the job at all but I will miss working with some of the people :blush:

Still, onwards and upwards. I went for my induction at the pre school yesterday. Lots of paperwork etc. It seems such a lovely place to work and I'm really looking forward to starting there.

I still can't quite believe that I went for the interview, got the job and went for an induction yesterday! I've got a blooming awful cold as well which has been making me feel very lightheaded. Add to that the nervousness of going to the induction and I felt like I was on another planet.

BUT, I didn't run, I stayed even though I felt panicky, and the feelings did subside and I started to enjoy myself :yesyes:

Two weeks off now then the start of the new job. I can't wait!


31-03-07, 11:31
Well done Kate


31-03-07, 11:47
Well it's like a new chapter for you now hun, isn't it!!

I think you are gonna get a lot of pleasure and job satisfaction out of this new role and I think they are lucky to have you too!:yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

31-03-07, 16:07
WELL DONE for going Kate,:yesyes:

You did Good!

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_33_15.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZCxdm594YYGB)for you hun,

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X

31-03-07, 16:17
Well done Kate :D

Enjoy your two weeks off,


31-03-07, 18:07

Well done on the new job. :yesyes: (I am glad one of us is happy with our new roles).

You deserve it and you will be fab there.

Wishing you all the luck in the world mate!:hugs:

31-03-07, 22:35
Thanks everyone!


16-04-07, 15:25
Hi everyone,

I started my new job today and I loved it :D

I have to be in at 8am on Mondays, and it's a 15 minute drive there. I woke up at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep worrying about how it would all pan out :blush:

I set out at 7.20am as I didn't know how heavy the traffic would be. Got there at 7.35am LOL. Sat in the car for 15 minutes and then went in.

I had really bad depersonalisation, head felt so odd like I wasn't there at all. We had to get all the toys and equipment out and after about half an hour I found that I was chatting away to the others and quite enjoying myself!

When the littlies started arriving, I was allocated to the free play room. Three littlies were chosen to talk about their library books, awww they were sweet! Then they had free play and soon I had littlies sitting on my lap, holding my hands and generally chatting away to me :yesyes:

They then had some play outside in a lovely little play area. We then came back in, they washed their hands and the ones staying all day had lunch which we had to supervise.

After that, it was time for me to leave. I didn't even feel as if I'd been at work!

I really can't believe that I have been and got my first day over with. I was so worked up over the weekend and as usual, it all turned out great :D

Haven't got to be in til 8.45 tomorrow so I can have a bit of a lie in!


16-04-07, 15:35
Aw that made me really smile - way to go Kate!!!:yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

16-04-07, 15:51
Well done Kate. That's the worst bit out of the way. Way to go!!

16-04-07, 18:32

:hugs: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Well done mate and glad you are enjoying it too - makes a big difference doesn't it?

16-04-07, 19:28
Thanks everyone.


19-05-07, 23:23
Well, the job is just getting better all the time. I've got to know all the staff and the little ones and they are all brilliant. I can quite honestly say I've not been so happy in a job for a long time.

So why then do I still feel so anxious and tearful? I find the journey to work is the worst, I keep thinking I will lose it driving there, I feel so on edge :mad:

A couple of times I've nearly turned back but I haven't as yet. My head just feels so spaced out every flaming day. I have the radio on to distract me, a bottle of water and my Rescue Remedy. I do my breathing but nothing seems to help, it is so frustrating.

One good thing is that we should be moving within the next 3 weeks or so to the area where I now work so at least the journey wont take me so long. With the rush hour traffic it has taken up to 40 mins to get there. Only takes 15 mins max coming home!

Hannah's OCD is very bad at the moment, worse than it has ever been so I think I'm also a bit stressed out with this as well. She is on work experience last week and next and she is a lot happier going there than to school but her OCD is still bad. She has now said that she wants some help after refusing to see the NHS psychologist so I'm going to get her an appointment with a member of the counselling team that I already see myself and see how she gets on.

Well, that's my update :D

Kate x

19-05-07, 23:32
I'm so glad you are much happier in this new job, Kate. The house move may be a bit stressful, but overall I'm sure that will be a good thing.

It's about time you had a break from all this!

Maybe once you get settled in the new home, the job will follow!

Hugs :hugs:

19-05-07, 23:38
Hi hun,

Perhaps it's just a period of readjustment for you - you have got a few things on your plate with new job, moving and Hannah's ocd, so it's not so surprising that some of the anxious sypmtoms are back.

Can you get a bit of 'me' time at all and chill out with a relaxtion cd or do something you know helps you chill????

I am sure it will indeed settle shortly mate and I am pleased to hear Hannah has agreed to see someone and hope it helps. Youngest starts her work experience too next week - I'm sure she only started the infants a year or two ago, so surely she can't be old enough to work yet!!!


Pig :flowers:

22-06-07, 23:08
Whooooooooo, I've just been out to a party!!!!!!!

It was my sons girlfriends 18th birthday party tonight at a social club. I really wanted to go but still had the what ifs going through my mind. It got to 7.30pm and I still didn't know if I would go. Got changed and we went for it!

Got to the shops down the road and saw a load of kids hanging around there with the police there. Totally flipped me out and got hubby to take me back home :blush: This fear of violence thing is still dragging me back :mad:

Anyway, I sat at home shaking away (like you do) and then phoned hubby. They had just arrived at the party but I asked him if he would come and get me and I'd try again :yesyes:

So, we set off again (!) and this time made it to the party. I met up with a mate that I hadn't seen for a few years, we were chatting away about old times. I then had a few bops around the dance floor LOL.

I was very uneasy all night, kept imagining a fight kicking off or gatecrashers so can't say I actually enjoyed myself BUT this is the first night out I have been to in about 10 years or even longer. I never usually even attempt to go.

We left about an hour before the end cos I really felt exhausted, I suppose due to the anxiety. But, the main thing is that I actually went and I feel soooo proud of myself :shades:


22-06-07, 23:13
Hi Kate,

Well done, that is an fantastic achievement :yesyes: So proud of you :hugs:

Ok so you may not have enjoyed it and felt a bit uneasy but you went and that takes alot of courage. Hopefully now you've done it once it will be easier next time too.

So pleased for you and you're right to be proud of yourself! :flowers: This post should be in success stories mate as wow what a huge success :yesyes:

Lisa x

23-06-07, 14:30
Thanks very much for replying, Lisa.

Reading back, I feel a bit stupid having posted. I assume others must think my fears are ridiculous and any small achievement not worth anything, as you are the only one to reply.

Thanks again for your support, Lisa :hugs:


23-06-07, 14:54
Oh Kate that doesn't sound silly to me at all mate - any outing of anysort is a big achievement isn't it.

Well done hun!! :hugs:

Piglet :flowers:

23-06-07, 16:13
Reading back, I feel a bit stupid having posted. I assume others must think my fears are ridiculous and any small achievement not worth anything, as you are the only one to reply.


Aww Kate, that's not true at all :hugs: Going out for the evening for the first time in 10 years is utterly amazing, fantastic, wonderful etc and a huge achievement. No one thinks your fears are ridiculous at all and I expect maybe others will post when they see this thread. We all have our own fears, ok for me going out is not a fear but it is for others and some things I worry about you don't etc, we're all different and all achievements are to be celebrated ok :hugs:

Lisa x

24-06-07, 15:50

Piglet :flowers:

24-06-07, 16:49
Hi Kate

Well done you :yesyes:

I think that was very brave and I am so pleased you went.

Reading back, I feel a bit stupid having posted. I assume others must think my fears are ridiculous and any small achievement not worth anything, as you are the only one to reply.
Not at all Kate. I for one am very proud of you. The fears are very real to you and are not silly at all.

Well done again. I bet your son was cuffed :)


Karen xx

25-06-07, 11:29
Good on ya Kate it sounds like you are doing just great hun. I'm glad your new Job is going well to.


Take Care,

Pippa. X X X X