View Full Version : How long do pulled muscles take to heal?

11-02-16, 16:55
I thought I had turned a corner. A few weeks ago I posted that I'd been having pain around the right side of my ribs and 3 Drs had told me it was pulled muscles and anxiety was making it worse. I've had a good couple of weeks been taking sertraline and the pain/discomfort had almost gone. Yesterday it started hurting a bit again and today it's been sore/tender most of the day. It's not in one place it can be front then a little while later in the back or even lower than my ribs. Of course my heads gone into overdrive again thinking it could be more than a pulled muscle my question is how long should this take to heal Google says a couple of days to a couple of weeks, on and off mines been at least 4 weeks.

I was originally convinced there was something wrong with my liver and my dr assured me it wasn't anything to do with that but said I could have a blood test for peace of mind. I saw her Monday and was feeling great so we cancelled the blood test I'm wondering now if I should have had it but it seems such a waste if she's sure it's just a pulled muscle

I really hate feeling like this I just want to go back to how I was a few weeks ago and stop worrying

11-02-16, 18:50
It really depends on how much rest you're giving the muscle. Could be a week, could be several weeks. You can go wrong with a hot and cold compress, though.

11-02-16, 20:54
Tense muscles give pain. You have loads and loads of little muscles between your ribs and between the ribs and breastbone. Anxiety tenses muscles etc etc.
I get awful rib pain because I have a prolapsed disc in my neck that makes my back muscles tense. I get stabbing pains almost anywhere around my ribs and I have in the past been convinced I was having a heart attack when they are in the front of my chest. I get them under my ribs and shotting around the bottom rib.
I like you was in a bit of a tizzy a few weeks ago with pain under left rib but two session with my chirpopractor and the pains all went away which proved totally what was causing them. With me they will come back as my muscles tighten up again and then I will have more chiropractor treatment.

Have you see anyone like an osteopath/chiropractor as they might e able to help.

Catherine S
11-02-16, 21:52
I think we anxies should get free massage sessions on prescription! Easing the tension and taking all the aches and pains away would go a long way to taking away some of the fear too ☺


12-02-16, 05:47
Thank you for your replies. So far today it aches it isn't sore so that's a bit of an improvement. I'm just feeling a bit down and with a sore side too things spiral but your replies have helped me spiralling to far thank you.

I'm gonna give it a few days with a hot water bottle on in the evening and see how it goes

12-02-16, 06:31
A sprain/strain depends on how much damage you body needs to heal. The body is built to do this though and has been doing it since birth. Think of all the bangs & knocks we have as kids.

Around the ribs they can take a while. I've pulled mine a fair few times. There are so many small muscles in there that are used in the majority of exercise we do for core stabilisation so they are getting worked whilst trying to heal.

Trust your GP. You won't need that test and like she said it would only be for reassurance. My GP would refuse to conduct it.

12-02-16, 12:54
Thank you for your reply what your saying does make sense. If it was anything other than a pull in the 4-6 weeks I've had it it would be feeling worse not going away sometimes or feeling the same sometimes we just need to see these things written down to think clearly

12-02-16, 13:01
I have rib pains too, everytime I try to do leg exercise I always end up with tender/sore spots at the vey top and almost feels like the bone but I was told if it only hurts when you move/rub it its most likely your muscles. ive done it twice in three months and sent my self crazy thinking it was my liver too!

12-02-16, 16:42
Mine doesn't always hurt when I move I can be sat completely still and it starts hurting. Sometimes it's tender like cramp and it isn't always in the same place. Sometimes it's in my back and sometimes the bottom of my ribs at the side. If it was anything serious it would hurt all of the time wouldn't it not on and off

12-02-16, 16:48
your always slightl moving, your breathing!! im sure if it was serious it would be constant and getting worse yes

12-02-16, 17:35
Plus if it was serious it would always be in the same place where as this moves so I'm probably tensing and lifting/moving slightly different because I'm worried about hurting it.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record in sorry thank you for being so understanding with me

12-02-16, 17:39
sounds stupid but have you considered wind if its moving a lot?? wind can get trapped up in the ribs by the stomache and even in the shoulder!

12-02-16, 17:43
How long do pulled muscles take to heal?

Totally subjective and individual to the person. Also, it's based on the initial severity and location of the initial injury. I've had pulled muscles, strains and sprains that were fine in a week or so and I've had some that have taken several months to totally heal (lower back).

Bottom line is it's not sinister and you just have to be patient. Heat, OTC rubs (IcyHot is awesome) and rest are the only treatments really.

Positive thoughts

12-02-16, 18:00
Yes I though it might have been wind related to start with as I had awful trapped wind over Xmas then a tummy bug mid January but everything's settled down now just left with this odd ache/tenderness. I'm sure my anxiety is making it worse I was told by one dr if it was my liver I'd feel pain lower down (which I did the next day) and by another I would be itching (again happened the day after). I can read what I've written and see how daft I'm being but then a little while later it will hurt and the whole cycle starts again.i have kept away from google. Talking to people on here helps a lot my friends think I'm being silly

12-02-16, 18:06
haha see how your suddenly developing the symptoms?? i thought i had lymphoma once and nurse said she doubts it as i don't have the symptoms. so i asked her what they were and she wouldn't tell me because she said she knew that id suddenly develop them! our minds are a powerful thing! think of it this way, if it was a serious pain it would be getting worse, fast, just try to forget about it. i have aches and pains all over my belly etc from ibs and sometimes its so bad i can hardly move. unless its stopping you doing things or keeping you awake i would forget it

12-02-16, 18:14
Thank so much I'm definitely feeling better in myself now knowing its not only my mind that plays tricks