View Full Version : Panic isn't that bad.

28-02-07, 11:22
Hi everyone.I'm writing to encourage you.I'm panic/anxiety sufferer too,but i think soon i will be ok.Maybe all of you are affraid of panic attacks.But why ? Because you can't stand the feelings,or you are affraid of losing control or something stupid in front of people.That is very common to us.Actually,yesterday i've got some really bad anxiety,but with no panic.Just after the anxiety i understood that the panic and the fear isn't that bad.No.The feelings may be uncomfortable but so what ? It is just a fear and it will never hurt you,even if you think it might kill you.Many of the panic/anxiety sufferers avoid some places,cause they've had a panic/anxiety there.Yes.There are some really freaky thoughts in our head,but that is normal.A very common thought is "if i lose control" "if i won't be able to cope",then what will happen ? Nothing.You won't lose control ! You will be scared from thease thoughts and you will get away from the "dangerous" place.But that is not because you losed control,it's cause you are AFFRAID of losing control.When some freaky and spooky thoughts appear to your head,just say "Ok,whatever you say :),it's true :D" "Yeah,i like this toughts,it's scary one,but tell me something even more scary".Be honest with yourself.Just remember that we/you are normal people.The Fear and the panic is absolutely normal,no matter why it is.Just do the things you must do,even if you are affraid of it.The first time when you go to work anxious,you may panic,but so what ? It will pass,and you will see how foolish is that fear.The next time you also can be affraid but less than the first time.I think even the panic "attack" is not real.Where is the attack ? There is no attack ! You are the attacker,not the victim.
Just live your life,and that's all.Even if your thoughts or fears are horrible,so what ? That didn't mean you will be stuck with them forever.Nothing is forever.I hope that makes sense.

28-02-07, 19:35
Hi there
I understand all you say but my thought when I have a panic attack is "Ive got to get out - Im trapped!" any advice on what to do? Love wenjoyx

28-02-07, 20:49
What a lovely positive post !!!! Thanks for that

Luv Pinky:D

28-02-07, 20:51
I had another panic attack today when I saw my eyes going into tunnel vision when i looked at the sky but after a few seconds I sat there and said to myself right im not gonna get worked up about this it will pass soon and it did.

I get them alot but hey try the best you can to think positvely, it doesnt always work but its a good feeling when it goes!

28-02-07, 21:43
Id say just ride that thought, accept it but NEVER run away. Next time your in the situation it will be worse. Just see what happens and it will pass!

01-03-07, 13:47
Lovely to hear that you are doing so well with coping.

Well done and thanks for the positive post.

01-03-07, 14:54
Hi there
I understand all you say but my thought when I have a panic attack is "Ive got to get out - Im trapped!" any advice on what to do? Love wenjoyx
Hi Yes I Too feel like this it is awful
Nigela x

01-03-07, 16:36
Hi Yes I Too feel like this it is awful
Nigela x
But get out from where ?

03-03-07, 20:25
Thanks for that post....just what i needed, was kinda freeking out lately, not sure why but anxiety levels seem to be sky high, and your post has gave me that little ounce of strength i need put back into me. I just wanted to say thank you.x.

04-03-07, 08:26
I'm glad i helped someone.I am really feeling better,and i want others to realise that theese fears and thoughts are absolutely normal.The one thing you must do is to FACE your fears.The 1-st time you try do to something you are affraid of it,you may be really affraid and panic,but hey,you did it.Those who are cured doesn't mean they will never have another panic attack,they just do all the things they must do and they are not affraid of the attacks.
All of you can do it.

04-03-07, 10:10
i'm having a hard time at the moment with this. the attitude your taking to panics is i believe the right one,and i know it has helped me to get better. but last night my husband left our house to go to work at 6.30pm and from then until about 12pm i was anxious and i could not talk myself around. this has been going on for a year now that if im having a bad time i get really upset about the whole night in front of me, not being able to sleep and having panic attacks, after all in the middle of the night there is'nt much you can do to distract yourself! anyway i eventually started with a full panic attack when id been drifting to sleep but was woken by people passing my house (i live in a busy village where loads of people go out to as its full of restaraunts and pubs and bars) and i knew i was going to be panicking ALL night, i just could not get my head around it at all. i was completely incapable of telling myself that i could handle it because i could'nt! and i took the usual escape route and rang my mother-in-law for reassurance(which i felt awful about as i've been really nasty to her lately following a misunderstanding we've had recently). does anybody on here relate to this? where your so wrapped up in anxiety and panic and avoidance that you can't do what your supposed to be doing to get better? is this where the problem lies? i know what i'm supposed to do - if i face the fear and nothing happens i'll be liberated? but i don't actually believe that under the circumstances(being home alone at night) i can cope, so now today i feel tearful and ive got a cracking headache and all the hard work ive done lately with facing my fear of being alone seems to have been for nothing. i think at this moment i'm accepting that i will NEVER be better, something that i think makes the whole situation worse is this belief that i can become a different person if im free from anxiety,other people have talked about this theory and im inclined at the moment to think that just accepting how i am is easier than fooling myself that i can be free of it. i know from what ive read that people can be free of it but for me after 7 years( and thats not taking into account that i started to experience panic 21 years ago, but coped for along time because of other people or tabs and having no responsibilities) it is definately a way of life that needs managing daily, and leaves me asking why can some people pick up where they left off, i want to find out if those people have got something different to me in that they have closer families and nice understanding friends(two things i dont have) or if it is my fault and im just lacking the personality to get better? any ideas please?


04-03-07, 11:09
hi emmas,in my opinion,what is stopping you getting better is your belief,is 'i am totally incapable of telling myself..etc'.If you believe that,then you wont be able to tell yourself anything that might calm you down.I think that you have to realise that you are not at the mercy of your thoughts and panic,even if it feels like you are.I say this as someone who also has panic,although ive managed to control them a lot more now.Yes the feelings can feel awful,i used to feel like i was going to die,and have this terrible feeling of doom etc.It is hard,because your logical mind can be teeling you that there is no real danger,but your body seems to think otherwise,and reacts with physical symptoms as if there was a real danger,the fight flight or freeze response.And it then takes your body time to catch up with your mind.One thing i do that helps a lot,is to identify what causes a panic attack for me,and i now know when one is coming on,and can tell myself thats its just a panic attack,and to concentrate on doing some deep breathing.I would say always stay in the situation where the anxiety started,dont run or avoid it,or the panics may get more frequent.Maybe when you are not panicking,write a list of things that you can do to comfort yourself if you start to feel panicky,then have it where you can see it.Then when you start to feel panicky,quickly try to do something on the list,anything that takes your focus away from yourself and your feelings,then the panic will often subside.
please dont believe that you will never be better,because thats letting the panic win,and control of you.Remember YOU are in control,even if it doesnt feel like it at the time.Just because a thought tells you that you are in danger,or that you are going to die,doesnt mean its true.Thoughts are just impressions the brain makes of the world,they have no reflection on who you are as a person.Having panic does not make you a bad person,neither is it part of your personality.I found a brilliant website yesterday called ocdonline.com,which says a lot about thoughts and how they work etc,even if you dont have ocd.You will not be a different person without the panics,you will just be you,the person you are meant to be.if you ever want to chat,pm me etc,id like to talk to someone like you who understands what im going through.i was just wondering,do you know what triggered your first panic? as maybe if you can identify that,you can work towards resolving what caused it,then the panics may no longer be there.It takes time,but I believe you can do it.YOU have to believe it too.:)

04-03-07, 15:59

Good positives but not that easy to put them into action in full blown panic, but will give it a good go.....\thank's for sharing your good advice.

Be safe

10-03-07, 16:07
brilliant writing enjoyed reading it after all its all common sence positive thinking we will all get there in the end x x x x x from bernadette x x x x x

10-03-07, 23:18
i just want to add that the best way to cope with panic is to accept it, let it pass over you, ride the wave, and dont add to it with frightening thoughts. Its the additional thoughts that keep the cycle going and fuel the panic.

Its a really positive post and gives inspiration to everyone.

11-03-07, 07:07
I'm glad you think that.But i don't think that is a positive post.I am a Realist and perfectionist.That is the truth.The Panic is only a extreme fear,nothing more :shrug:. Someone fears more,but others less,but it's still a fear,or anxiety.The only way to actually stop fearing the panic is to face it many times,that's what i think.I know it's not easy but one day you maybe will be "Trapt" in some situation you fear,and panic,but there is not exit.You will try to escape or bring help,but no one can't help you.So what's next.Nothing.Actually you will come out of the panic,and only the anxiety maybe will stay.And when get out from this situation you will se how foolish is the fear.That how i beat my "elevator phobia".I just face it,panicked,but nothing happend.Sooner or later you will realise that.Being brave doesn't mean not scared.

11-03-07, 11:16
hey guys,

the definition of brave is- 'being frightened, but doing it anyway'

unfortunately a fact of life is that some of us are braver than others!
or it could be that when some of us first experienced panic/anxiety there wasnt any help or advice ANYWHERE, and it is a sad fact that if you dont get the CORRECT diagnosis and subsequently the best therapy for that diagnosis, then it is highly likely that this 'fear' will become a part of who you are, as the longer it goes on unchallenged the more it makes new pathways in your brain!

to the guys who say there is no problem with fear - you are right, but try telling that to the brain that has over MANY MANY years become hardwired to believe there is!


11-03-07, 12:50
I'm like that, I'm not scared of the actual panic attack itself because I've gone through so many and I know it can't harm me but when I'm in public (like shopping in town, on a train or at college) I'm scared of what others think of me, like if I'm having a heart attack (because of my age I doubt they would think that) or having an ashma attack. But my biggest fear is people thinking I'm insane.

11-03-07, 18:04
Jadey,however the people will not think you are insane.They will thought something hurts you bad and you are scared about it.I panicked in front of few people before,and asked them what they thought in that moment.They told me,that maybe i was starving and i really feel faint,and i was affraid of it.The most of the people,will tought you are feeling bad and you are affraid what will happen to you.People will help you,no avoid you !

13-03-07, 22:53
Well yesterday I thought wow I've beaten this then all of a sudden all these thoughts of being ill and scared came over me and on came the tingling hands and panic.....grrr!!

14-03-07, 18:07
Well yesterday I thought wow I've beaten this then all of a sudden all these thoughts of being ill and scared came over me and on came the tingling hands and panic.....grrr!!So,why do you think that you are ill ? You are not.Just you are affraid of it.So in what situation you panic,and how long was the pa ?

15-03-07, 10:59
It lasted till I got indoors funnily