View Full Version : I have a plan and I'm sticking to it !

11-02-16, 19:03
I have decided I need a plan to aid my recovery , I have completely cut out Google, have not even gone anywhere near it! (I've been so tempted ) I now am working on stopping the reassurance it was getting ridiculous I was even getting the girl who sits next to me at work to come to the toilet and feel my breast lump, I'm on the waiting list still for my therapy, I've started going back to the gym with my friend that i have lots of laughs with and it really takes my mind off it even if it's just for an hour it's good to have fun ! I think as h/a sufferers we forget we can have fun as our worry is always at the back of our minds. X

11-02-16, 19:07
Good for you! Give a read of this.... This guy did exactly that and kicked his anxiety in the rear end! I stay in touch with him and he's doing great!


Positive thoughts

11-02-16, 19:10
Love this post! Especially as I've lived on google today searching for if I could have radiation poisoning :/ I definitely need to do the same as you and get rid of the Google habit and have fun! X

11-02-16, 19:13
Thanks Fishmanpa it's fab ! I hope I can be as positive as him, MI it's so hard not to google especially when you can take your phone anywhere , I used to take it to the toilet to secretly goodgle!! I mean how completely mad and insane is that ! X

11-02-16, 19:16
Sounds normal to me haha I am constantly on my phone googling things. The worst thing is that there are no horror stories or anything about my new anxiety and yet I'm still googling to find something x

12-02-16, 06:14
You sound like me Rebecca I get people to feel, used to take my phone to toilet at work, constantly seeking reassurance. It's awful

12-02-16, 11:21
May I borrow your plan? :)
Googling made me convinced now that my daughter has tuberous sclerosis, so I can't even function now. Stopping googling is one of my main goals today

12-02-16, 13:14
Well in my case I can’t always think of havin’ fun since symptoms appear random, how can you think of havin’ fun if you have a headache/dizzy, back pain, and chest pain? But, I am still hopeful that someday this symptoms will be cured.

12-02-16, 13:55
Good one Rebecca! You are amazing!

I have also returned to the gym today for the first time in 5 months as it always made me feel so much better!

Feel the burn and all that, haha


12-02-16, 22:22
Well I can't say it's easy , I did ask my Hubbie to check it tonight as I could feel myself wanting to poke , he did once and said it felt the same , tomorrow we are out with friends and I WILL. Enjoy myself , you all can do it to , believe me I'm the weakest person going and give in to my impulsions , but I will not Google X

12-02-16, 22:51
Way to go! Lately when I get the urge to Google I come to this forum instead to read encouraging posts like yours. :)

13-02-16, 13:19
Hi folks I thought I would chime in on this thread to reaffirm what Fishmanpa said. I wrote that thread in a fit of complete frustration at the fact that I could see that there were a whole bundle of people totally convinced that the best way to feel better is to come on line and ask for reassurance or to google. It really is total folly, doesn't work - never.

I don't really come on here any more because in honesty it wasn't helping me at all in the end. So I took things into my own hands and set up a FB group specifically and exclusively focused on recovery from the one thing we all have in common and genuinely do suffer from and that is anxiety.

After slow beginnings we have grown to 350 or so members and hold a waiting list of about 400 mainly because we guard quite seriously against discussion delving into one symptom of another. A year since creating the group I have made some of my closest friends, shared a pint or two with at least five members and one of the admins who helps me is flying to the UK from Colorado this year for a meet.

My point is really that peer support is great when there is a positive outcome and when you are clear what you're working towards. But equally it can be just as destructive as Google if you allow it to be. Don't kid yourself that seeking assurance on here is any better than a search engine. It is the same psychological mechanism at play. The only way to recover is to do the hard yards. Believe me I have been running the FB group for exactly a year (in fact it was reminiscing with a former participant here who mentioned this thread existed that prompted me to come back) and I have seen people who couldn't leave their house with anxiety make progress. In fact one woman in the last 12 months has gone from riddled with anxiety to ending a relationship that wasn't working, dating someone new and really pushing boundaries. That sort of success isn't unusual.

Don't sit in here and believe hope is lost. It isn't. You just need to know what success looks like and then work out the steps to get there.

Fmp is bang on. I was in a right mess two years ago - a real doctor botherer. I haven't visited a gp since Feb 2014 and manage to spend my days working for the nhs surrounded by doctors. Having a strategy with support from people like Fishmanpa to see it through probably saved me.

Nice to see some people taking positive steps. You will and can get there.

13-02-16, 15:39
Hey thanks for your comment, what's your Facebook group called I'd really like to take a look. And your right inputting your symptoms here is exactly the same as Google. Today my day has been filled with shopping (much to my hubbies dismay) and now watching a film snuggling with my boy , I'm only on day 2 so I'm not hoping for miracles but I'm going to give it a good try . I start my therapy Tuesday also so I'm looking forward to that xx

13-02-16, 16:37
Way to go! Lately when I get the urge to Google I come to this forum instead to read encouraging posts like yours. :)

This is exactly what I do! Whilst my HA isn't gone, I have seen a big change in myself since I started using this forum 3 weeks ago. No more Googling symptoms for a start! :yesyes:

14-02-16, 12:47
Hi Rebecca - the FB group is called Health Anxiety Recovery Group. As I say - there is a massive waiting list at the moment. So if you send me a message with your name I will look out for you and let you in.

14-02-16, 13:51
You have obviously done some wonderful work with your Facebook recovery group cpe! Far better than getting bogged down on here with all the enabling reassurance malarkey on this board. You should be proud of your achievements-sensible to have a waiting list too. HA management needs to be handled with a firm, fair and consistent hand.

14-02-16, 15:36
I've requested a join (I think lol ) x

14-02-16, 20:15
And I think I have approved you :)

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:14 ----------

Pulisa we have some fabulous admins and a group of people who still participate even when they're feeling well. That is key. To show there is hope.

14-02-16, 20:29
You have thank you , can my friends see what I'm writing in the group ? X

14-02-16, 20:39
And I think I have approved you :)

---------- Post added at 20:15 ---------- Previous post was at 20:14 ----------

Pulisa we have some fabulous admins and a group of people who still participate even when they're feeling well. That is key. To show there is hope.

You certainly need to spread the word on here even if it increases your waiting list!

14-02-16, 22:39
Ha don't worry most of them are selling sunglasses. If anyone from here wants in send me a pm with your name so I know you have requested and I will let you in :)