View Full Version : Worrying

11-02-16, 19:32
Over the last year I have noticed that I have started worrying about things that I never used to think about in the past. I worry about so many different things now that I never used to think about before.

I sometimes think will I ever be able to go back to how I was before, when I didn't used to worry so much. I suffer from anxiety and ocd and my ocd has got a lot worse than it was before.

How has anyone else felt like this and been able to deal with it?
I am trying to get some counselling at the moment.

12-02-16, 14:34
I worry every day !

Are they valid worries or daft stuff you shouldn't even have on your radar ?

I try to find solutions to valid worries so I can show myself it's ok. The daft, intrusive stuff I honestly just shush the hell out of it. Drown it out, look away from it. Hopefully I forget quite quick.

12-02-16, 16:04
Hi zx123

I've been a sufferer of anxiety for more years than I care to recall.

In that time, I've been afraid of everything, including my friends, family and even myself. A short while ago, I realised that I wasn't anxious anymore. I have had therapy which may have contributed, but more so I believe that my body and mind just couldn't abide living in constant fear anymore. I still wouldn't wish to make a hobby of wrestling alligators, but the irrational thoughts have disappeared and my demons seem to have given up the fight.

I'm not aware of any psychiatric term for such a phenomenon other than 'getting better'. But the reason that I'm posting this is to reassure you that there is hope. I think my anger at being poorly became greater than the condition. In any case, wellness after an anxiety disorder is well within our grasps. Best of luck.