View Full Version : They want me to go into hospital???

28-02-07, 11:46
I went to see my Pshychatrist yesterday and because i suffer from health anxiety and ocd he wants to put me in hospital for 2 weeks or more and start taking Fluxatine?. He said that way when i start having reactions to the drug nurses can be at hand to sedate me when i am panacing about my heart racing ect. I am taking 15mg of Mirtazapine since 1 year ago and because i refused to take Citalipram aswell he got the hump with me.He wanted me to sign a form to give him full control over my medication . but i declined.

Then when i said i did not want to go in hospital and am not at all suicidal i have only bad anxiety he laughed at me and said that i did not know what powers he has???
I am now so afraid that the men in white coats will come to the door . My husband said he does not think i am that bad i need to go to hospital and if i dont want to take the medication i dont have to?

Please what are my rights, does this Pshyco have the right to laugh at me and make me feel frightened?


28-02-07, 11:52
I am very sorry that this is happening to you, it must be very frightening. No one has a right to laugh at anyone especially someone in a position of trust who is treating vulnerable people. I am curious as to why they wanted to add in cipramil and didnt just up the mirtazepine as 15mg is the starting dose? I am only curious really as i am just weaning of the mirtazapine myself at the moment after being on it for 13 months...for me it was a life saver.
I hope that you get the help and support that you need

28-02-07, 12:15
Hi nell
I have not got a clue why they want me to take citalpiram on top of the mirtazapine. I think it could be my weight because i try not to eat so much and i am so self consiuos about my weight gain with mirtazapine. Although it has helped but not completely cured me .

28-02-07, 12:23
I can sympathise with the weight gain as i put on 2 stone with the drug,however for me it was worth it to feel well again, and im hoping that now im almost of it i will soon with a bit of effort get some of the weight back off,i actually felt better on the 30mg dose as for some reason the side effects onit were not so bad,it certainly isnt as much of a sedative as the 15mg dose was, for me anyway.

28-02-07, 12:25
Thanks Nell
but do you know about my rights as a patient? can they make me take this medication or have to go into hospital?

28-02-07, 12:45
I have to say that if I had a doctor like that then I would seriously think about trading them in for a newer kinder model!!

It's supposed to be a working together as a team to get you better principle - not a them and us!!

For what it's worth I would take someone who's advice you trust implicitly in with you for your next appointment - then there can be no confusions about anything.

All the best

Piglet :)

28-02-07, 13:18
thanks pigelt
i hope they dont put me away , i really feel better than i did although still full of anxiety. i think i will put in a complaint

28-02-07, 13:56
Hi, I don't think any doctor has a right to mock you. Ask to be referred to someone different to get a different view. If someone who is nice to you makes the same suggestion maybe you need to be in for a couple of weeks to get the support you need. If you don't, as far as sI know family members, GPs etc need to be involved in enforced hospitalisation. Let us know how you get on.

28-02-07, 16:36
In order for you to be admitted to hospital against your will you would have to be so ill that it was the only way to stop you harming yourself or others. This is not why they want to admit YOU, they want to monitor you on the new medication but as you are not going to be taking it then there is no need for admission, and they cant make you take it. It might be worth while discussing other alternatives to the prozac they have mentioned, have you been offered cbt ?

28-02-07, 17:02
I think it is a bit OTT to want you admitted due to starting new med's. Who's to say whether or not you will get any side effects? When I was on anti d's years ago, I had no side effects either starting them or coming off them.

In any case, should you have side effects that are really off the scale, then is the time when extra help maybe required.


28-02-07, 17:22
Hi Elly - as far as I know the only way you can be admitted (sectioned) to hospital against your wishes is if you represent either a danger to yourself or others. Read section 3 here for further info http://www.markwalton.net/guidemha/index.asp#part2

You are not a danger, do not represent a danger to others and cannot be admitted against your will.

Added to that my doctor refused to prescribe me fluoxetine because he believed it would make my condition worse. Theres litterally hundreds of alternatives to this drug out there, all with different effects and side effects.

Most of the meds I've taken I've stopped because they made me feel a damn site worse. No-one ever suggested that maybe I should have a spell in hospital while I got used to them. We finally got my meds right after 7 months of trial and error, and my doc was very understanding along the way.

Your doctor seems totally out of order IMHO. Personally I would change surgeries immediately and even consider a complaint to the GMC regarding the consultation you have received.

Doctors are there to help, not to put the willies up people who are seeking their professional advice.


Quick PS - if his powers are so great, why the hell was he asking you to sign something ???

28-02-07, 21:36
I think your doctor is ona bit of a power trip.. I think you should put in a formal complaint to your GP centre and higher.

The only way you will be sectioned is, like someone said before you are a danger to yourself and others. You are clearly not and your totally in touch with reality!!!

Is it posible to change doctors?

28-02-07, 21:52
Hi Elly

Please try and stay calm!!!!

They can only section you under the mental health act if you are a danger to yourself or those around you!!!

Unless you are sectioned no one can make you go to hospital!!!

I personally would report this individual without further delay and ask that your case be transferred to another specialist!!!

Hope this has helped a bit

Luv Kaz x x x

01-03-07, 08:29
Thankyou so much to all of you ,
you have all put my mind at rest.
Although the Phsyco telephoned me at home yesterday asking me if i had made my desision and said he was writing to my local GP. This man is giving me more anxiety than you can imagine, because when i told him no i wasnt going to hospital he again said sarcastically " well you carry on taking the citalipram then and i will speak to you soon".

What is this man up to ?? My husband s with me 24/7 and even he dosnt think that i am that bad ? I am going to the Gym 2x a week i swim 3 days a week and on top of that i am doing an online course for I ntoduction to Nursing Veterinary Care.( my last module i got a distinction, it was so good )
I would like to complain but where do i start?

Once again
Love to all and thankyou

01-03-07, 08:47
Im not sure about the procedure outwith scotland but i know that you are, everyone is, entitled to a second opinion, request that your gp refers you to another psychiatrist for a SECOND OPINION. Your gp cannot refuse you THIS IS YOUR RIGHT. Tell your gp that you are not satisfied with the treatment from your first psych and that he is upsetting you. See another one who will treat you better. Tell your gp that you feel very upset about this and are considering taking it further, your gp will be able to advise you of the course to take. Alternatively you can check out the complaints procedure online. Please remember though that you have to put yourself and your well being first and while im not saying that this nasty unprofessional man should get away with it im just saying take your time and be sure its what you really want to do
take care

01-03-07, 09:41
hi soggypops i would first of all go and talk to your doctor and tell him what was said,the way the phsycoligist spoke to you is not on at all,i would ask to change to someone else,they are supposed to help and support,also i am sure that they cant just put you in hospital for this,if you were really bad and needed to go in hospital the person who would know this more than anybody is your husband and he has said your not that bad.take care and let us know how things go.tracy

01-03-07, 17:36
Hi all

Well i phone the Mental Health Commision today to find out my rights and they agreed he should not have spoken to me in that way and shouldnt of phoned me at home. So i have been intouch with a Mental healthcare Advocacy and they will support me on this matter.
I do feel better talking to them and also reading all your replys, I think Phsycos have this power trip sometimes and it has really made me think twice before telling anyone how I really feel now.

I will keep you all updated

Love to all


01-03-07, 18:16
Hi elly, I would do as piglet said take someone with you into the room, and even if you cant do that take a Dictaphone in with you, I take a voice recorder whenever I go to see any doctors solicitors or anyone official so I don’t forget whets been said soon as I leave. I usually hold my Dictaphone or just put it on the table and as yet none has objected, as I always seem to forget everything that’s been said as soon as I leave. Take core and hope you can sort out your problem. Vernon