View Full Version : head scab, petrified.. Help :(

11-02-16, 22:36
I'm back in that place... I have so many real health issues and the anxieties that comes with them but then today there's a whole new one. I know the way in reacting is stupid but I am in a state here. I felt a hard lump on my scalp today out of the blue, I wasn't checking for anything. Turned out it was a scab and I picked it off (sorry tmi) and now it's sore and a bit weepy. I have had a lot of moles and skin worries over the past couple of years and had moles removed. I am now panicking that this is a mole that I agent noticed and that had crusted over and is bad. I can't even look at it cos it's at the back of my head. I asked someone to look for me and she just said I can't tell it's just an open sore, wait to see if it heals. I'm now scared it won't and I googled head sores and saw 'melanoma of the scalp is the most deadly' I am petrified. I have a history of a scaly scalp and dandruff and I think I've had little scabs in the past but nothing like this I don't think.. It hurts even without touching. I knew I should've got someone to check my scalp regularly but I thought I was just being over anxious. Has anyone else experienced this? What could it be if not the worst? I don't need this worry on top of everything else! I'm sad to be back here on this forum but I need to get my thoughts down.. I am getting cbt but right now it's not helping :(

Gary A
11-02-16, 22:43
Ok, first of all, this could have been absolutely anything. A patch of dry skin, mild psoriasis, a bump or scratch that you had forgotten about or happened when you were asleep, a blocked or slightly infected hair follicle, etc.

There is absolutely no reason to assume you have melanoma of the scalp just because there was a patch of skin. When you take off a scab that hasn't fully healed, it's perfectly normal for it to hurt and feel "weepy."

Try to calm down, the chances are it'll heal over in the next few days and you'll forget all about it.

11-02-16, 22:55
Thank you! Thing is, I understand how irrational I'm being but then I get that flash of anxiety and that sick feeling. I wish I could switch my brain off. I also wish I could speed up the healing of this sore so I can understand what's going on. I can feel myself wanting to ask my dad if he has ever had these scab things as he suffers from scalp issues but I know after my bad episodes of anxiety 18 months ago (which upset him) he would get mad at me for asking. I am grateful for this forum for letting me rant without upsetting anyone close to me!