View Full Version : HIV scare

12-02-16, 05:29

i recently had drunken unprotected sex with a guy of unknown HIV status. he did not ejaculate inside me but he did expel a lot of precum.

he last tested neg on november for hiv and other STIs (allegedly) . he swears this was a slip up and that he normally doesn't have unprotected sex. i know i can't trust him fully as i barely know him and i didn't actually see the results. but he seemed genuinely freaked out as well and is willing to take another test to calm my nerves.

i took plan b and almost immediately felt the side effects. i even had to take a day off work due to lightheadedness and general malaise. exactly a week after taking the pill i got vaginal thrush which eventually subsided (my vulva is still somewhat irritated but is no longer itchy). i read thrush can be a plan b side effect due to the hormonal imbalance it may cause but i also know that oral thrush can be a symptom of seroconversion and ARS. i have not found any sources about vaginal thrush but to say the least it is worrisome. also, it was a week before my period so it could also be hormonal. this is the first time i have a yeast infection

during that week i also had a bad case of what i think is hay fever (runny nose, sneezing and coughing ). i do know a runny nose is not a sign of seroconversion or ARS but since the runny nose subsided i got a bad sore throat which comes and goes throughout the day. the first day i noticed a lot of post nasal drip, now it is mostly dry and i also feel kind of a globus sensation mostly which could very well be anxiety or reflux related related. still comes and goes during the day. it is extremely annoying and can get very painful at times (mostly when i'm at peak stress)

three days ago -at the peak of my anxiety- i got a small prurituc rash on my chin, neck and chest. it did not cover a whole area and i can say it's mostly just separated -almost isolated- tiny red bumps. it lasted a day and no longer itches. it mostly matches with stress hives, but again, it could be ars or seroconversion.

i got my blood drawn two days ago and tested neg for the antibody test. i know this is no good since it only tests for 3 month + old exposures. i did have the DUO test done and i'm waiting for the p24 antigen test. the thing is i took the antigen test 2 weeks post exposure. I'm getting a lot of conflictive information on the window, first by the internet and second by the lab lady at the clinic i took the test at and the counselor at the same clinic who said it would be 1 month and a half (????) and to come back in three months for conclusive testing.

i been freaking out about the whole ordeal for 2 weeks straight. this has been the most anxious i've been ever been in my life. i don't think i can handle 2 1/2 months more of this. it has taken a toll on me mentally, emotionally and physically.My IBS and chronic gastritis are acting up right now and it's making it even worse. it's the only thing i can think about. i feel dread 24/7. any time i get distracted the HIV thoughts just come back with a vengeance and i can't help it.

i can't function like this anymore, i'm even considering quitting my job.

the anticipation is getting the best of me, i'm getting very impatient and anxious. every day is a new prolonged panic attak and i don't know what to do with myself. i even think i'd be calmer even if i tested positive because at least i'd know my status and i'd know what to do bt this uncertainty is making me go absolutely crazy

12-02-16, 06:31
I had the same scare 2 years ago even though I wore a condom I still freak out what if. I freaked out for 1 month straight googling symptoms scaring myself to death. I convinced myself I had it, I could not sleep, eat, focus during work it truly was one of the worse times of my life I even got numbness and tingling all over my body which is a symptom of HIV but also a major symptom of anxiety. So all I'm saying is I understand what you're going through, but research how hard it's to get HIV. And look at all the other forums of people who were scared of this but they tested negative and you will too! Plus these days rest are accurate so don't be so scared :) just retest in a couple of weeks and then when you test negative it will be for sure.

12-02-16, 17:17

First up, you're doing the right thing in getting tested. It's the only way you'll know.

What you shouldn't be doing is having this consume you. As mentioned above, the odds of contracting HIV from a single exposure are VERY small, that's even if you knew for sure the partner has it. The fact he was tested before this encounter suggests he also cares about his sexual health so the odds are so low that it doesn't warrant such excessive fear.

I know the only thing that can put your mind at ease will be the results when you can take the test, but try to calm yourself with the knowledge it's extremely unlikely you caught anything.

15-02-16, 07:12
thanks for your replies. i can sure use all the reassurance i can. i just hope i can get through this unharmed.

i just wish i could fast forward this two months and get this over with

17-05-16, 09:19
belated update: the guy took the antibody test and came back neg two months ago or so. my p24 test came back neg two weeks post exposure (two months and a half ago)

just reached the 15 week mark and i'm gonna take the antibody test on friday with a friend as moral support. this should be the conclusive one so needless to say i'm really scared. it's all i've been thinking about for the past two weeks. was actually gonna take it last week but my friend postponed making me go crazy with anticipation (i can go by myself but i don't dare to). it's 3 am and i can't sleep at all

03-06-16, 05:40
my friend has postponed 3 times already. we should be going tomorrow and again, my anxiety is up the roof right now. i've decided i'll go even if she cancels.

i can't continue waiting for the results and i feel she has been very inconsiderate with me by telling me we're going, working me up and then canceling the same day.

my IBS is acting up and i can't sleep. this is hell

04-06-16, 00:41
I know how you feel. I was sexually assaulted beginning of February and got tested towards the end of April, it came back negative. But my nurse wants me to test again at the end of August/Early september. I don't know how Im going to get through the next couple months.I know how you feel. I get red splotches when I shower; which is freaking me out.

04-06-16, 01:20
you would be calmer if you tested positive? I don't know if I believe that one. Please don't quit your job. The chances of you testing positive are very slim based on what you wrote. If you think about it if you would be calmer even if you tested positive then you should not be worried at all. Hang in there.

At a point in my life when I was very promiscuous (long time happily married now) I had the HIV scare. And I never had protected sex. I went and got tested for HIV and had to wait like you are. I know how you feel. But I made it through it and you will too. My test came back negative btw.

Btw...no "protected sex" is 100% full proof.


27-07-18, 20:25

I'm experiencing similar symptoms, was curious what test results did you end up having ?

28-07-18, 09:46
I totally empathise with anyone going through this anxiety/worry/ordeal etc..( I posted some weeks ago re my experience) My circumstances slightly different in that I was in a five year relationship and discovered just a few months ago that my partner has cheated ( how many times I do not know) ...We no longer have contact - he refuses to test, so I have been going out of my mind with worry re HIV - had one negative test, but the anxiety/anticipation of having to wait for another 5 weeks for a conclusive one is like live in a daily nightmare ..