View Full Version : Thigh pain... Terrified please help

12-02-16, 08:41
Last night I was lying in bed when I got this horrible deep pain in the lateral side of my right thigh. I have had this pain a couple of times before, and had it the other day. I obviously googled and it came back with horrible results like bone cancer. I had a massive panic attack at 1am last night, had to call my mum and talk to her about it for hours. Im only 21 so im just so scared I have something horrible. Has anyone ever had anything similar??

12-02-16, 11:04
Sounds very much sciatic nerve related.. Im having a flare up these past 12 days.. Shooting nerve pain thigh, shin and foot.

12-02-16, 14:24
I get pain in the front of my thigh from my back as the back nerves go all down your legs. I remember the first time I had it my mum was in hospital with a deep vein thrombosis in her leg and I was totally convinced I had the same thing:wacko: and was obsessively measuring my leg! Of course I didn't have it at all it was because I had been sitting in a bad position the day before and the pain went away after a few days. that was about 20 years ago and I still get attacks of it when my lower back is bad.

12-02-16, 15:30
Im on day 12 now of this nerve type pain that seems to move between thigh, shin and foot. Worse when I get up in a morning then eases a bit.Same if I sat down too long. Please tell me it will go away :unsure:

12-02-16, 16:03
I went to the doctors this morning and he said he thinks it is definitely musculoskeletal! I do also have quite a bad back and have had nerve type issues in the past. He also said it could possibly be referred pain from ovaries (i have a small cyst on my right ovary), isnt the most common place to get referred ovary pain but definitely not unheard of. He said its very very unlikely to be anything serious which is reassuring! Im gonna try to relax and not think about it, keep dosed up on paracetamol/ibuprofen for a few days and hope that it goes away haha!

Libra have you ever thought about having some sort of physiotherapy for your pain?