View Full Version : Tickling sensation deep in chest

12-02-16, 20:41
Has anyone ever experienced this? It feels as though something is ticking deep inside my chest-- from the top of my sternum down to where my ribs separate above the abdomen. It's a REALLY strange feeling. Is this a symptom of anxiety? I can't really tell because just the feeling alone is causing me to feel panicky a bit. I've also been having some sharp left sided chest and back pain...I'm hoping this is just a pinched nerve?

And one other question...I've been doing fairly well with keeping my panic attacks under control, but when I do have one, it seems to be totally out of the blue. Nothing really triggers it at the moment. I find I then have a hard time distinguishing panic from other worse case scenarios like a heart attack, etc. Is there a way to tell the difference other than to just wait it out? I'm worried one day I WILL wait, and it'll be the wrong decision!

Thanks everyone :)

12-02-16, 21:10
If you develop a cough then this is the reason for your tickly sensation, I have had this in the past at the start of some random chest virus so the tickles are first and then you get the cough. This is only what I have had in the past so its perfectly possible thats in you its nothing to do with a virus.

Although it feels weird its not horribly painful so you can just wait and see what happens next.

I also get nerve twitching like you get in your eyelid but I get it in my stomach/chest/abdomen and that feels really really peculiar. Could it be this?