View Full Version : Blood on wiping - Bowel

12-02-16, 21:14

I had a tummy bug 2 weeks ago, my stomach is fine but this bug has set my IBS off.......... either going all the time or can't go......... anyway this evening after being constipated I went to the loo and it was really painful and like pebbles, and I felt a pain when passing. When I wiped the paper had blood on it.

My HA is going crazy but I am worried, but I had a clear colonoscopy in April 2014. My rational mind is saying its a tear but the HA is screaming its serious...........

12-02-16, 21:27
If you have been constipated it is most likely piles or an anal fissure, nothing to worry about :) A warm bath with some salt in helps to sooth it.

12-02-16, 22:00
Listen to your rational mind. Your HA is a child throwing a temper tantrum ;)

Positive thoughts

12-02-16, 22:08
Your poor bum! Must have been like passing broken glass for that delicate lining. I would guess the blood was bright red and would be caused by little tears in the bowel lining. Its def not anything to worry about.

12-02-16, 22:13
I get blood when wiping every day or every other day. Not great, but not serious. Figure I have an external hemmerhoid or something.

There you go, think about that while you try to enjoy your Friday night. ;)

13-02-16, 03:22
I have IBS-C and this has happened to me. About 9 years ago, it was happening whether I was constipated or not. Had a colonoscopy and found out that I had a very small pile. It was so small the doc didn't even remove it. I increased my fiber and stuck with it for quite awhile. Never had any other problems. It isn't odd to get small teatmrs when you're constipated.

13-02-16, 05:01
Sounds like internal roids to me.

I've had roids about 20 years, internal & external, they never fully go for me but rarely flare up since I got into my thirties. Pooing pebbles is exactly how I found it with the internal ones.

Don't worry about the "blood in your poo" crap (:Biggrin:) you see on TV...that's only to pick up the rarer stuff but the most common issues from blood this way are as everyone is saying, daily GP surgery stuff.

You've got all the hallmarks in your post with loose movements (aggravates roids due to acid content), too many movements and straining from constipation. All reasons for roids.