View Full Version : acid reflux causing eating phobia?.

Sam Winter
12-02-16, 23:31
for as long as I've known I've had a phobia of choking on food, this is mainly because after eating I get sensations of food being stuck and instantly assume I'm choking, although it's coeae it might be down to my laryngopharyngeal reflux disease I still panic about these sensations(I am right now) and I'm down to soft foods and issues like not being able to eat outside, not beng able to eat before going out as I have to deal with these sensations outside ect, and I don't know what to do anymore, everytime I eat I have to go through the hell of thinking I'm gonna die and I don't think I can do this anymore :/

13-02-16, 22:57
Hi, I get these sensations to. I won't eat sweets anymore, it felt like I had a Haribo stuck. I can eat things and it will feel like there stuck in the back of my throat. It's been going on for over a year, I get my self into panics over it. I Leukoplakiaas thinking I need to go to and get checked out for acid reflux at a one point. Then I put it down nerves. At that point I never had the feeling for ages. Then now I've a burning sensation in my throat I've gone back to acid reflux so I'm hoping I don't get the sensations of food being stuck again x

Sam Winter
14-02-16, 16:42
i'm sorry to hear you have the same issue, i've had it for like 5 years now and it's made me so unhealthy, i wouldn't wish this in anyone x

28-12-16, 15:38
It seems we are having very similar troubles!

Sam Winter
28-12-16, 18:21
It seems we are having very similar troubles!
Whoa this is an old thread lol, it really does seem liked we're having similar troubles doesn't it? i didn't eat much over the christmas period because my food doesn't digest right away and i can feel it in my throat so i just assume i'll randomly start choking at any point it does really suck, i thought i was the only one x