View Full Version : Heart Worries, constantly

12-02-16, 23:59
I've passed my driving test last week :yahoo:

And I've had the stress orif organising my new car over the last 2 weeks, which has resulted in heighten anxiety.

Over the last 2 weeks I've had daily palpitations, chest pains, sometimes it feels like someone's holding my neck, nothing new, I regularly get that when I feel anxious.

I also have what feels like a bruised sensation on my upper back and chest dependent on how I'm sittin/standing and if I move in certain ways.
I do have a heart murmur, but I've had GP and A&E trips, and they say I'm fine, but the bruised sensation is new.

Could it be how I'm lying in bed at night or how I stand? Or is it maybe my heart?

13-02-16, 00:22
No, it's stress and anxiety I'm quite sure. And congrats on passing your driving test!

Positive thoughts

13-02-16, 00:34
Hahaha go you :D trust me,Fishmanpa is so right :D