View Full Version : woken up with chest pain again

13-02-16, 02:05
Hello it's 2am and again like last night I've been awoken by chest pain ...I find myself counting through the pain till it lifts . It makes me feel sick as it washes over me. Last night was the same and a few months ago it was a lot worse . I do get flutters palpitations and I don't really do much hard exercise ...when I say not much I mean none. I'm worried I have warning signs of a heart attack . I think the pains have gone so I'm going to try and sleep again . Thanks for reading

13-02-16, 11:32
I have the same problem. Have you seen your gp? Just to put your mind at rest because it's a common anxiety symptom

13-02-16, 11:57
Hi there...no I haven't not yet. I don't wake up in a panic it's just an aching a bad hard ache .

13-02-16, 12:18
It could be muscular tension pai. But any chest pain warrants a GP appt. x

13-02-16, 12:24
could be something as simple as sleeping in a funny position, maybe try experimenting with your pillows etc

13-02-16, 15:15
I hope you're right. Going to the Dr's worries me a lot incase they find something sinister .