View Full Version : trying not to panic. Rational thoughts?!

13-02-16, 08:15
Hey it's me again - the head anxious one /:

It'll be exactly 3 days since I hit my head. (Off a wooden beam coming up the steps)

Well, I was having an on n off mild headache and head soreness when I laid down. Those were the only things I've experienced in this time.

I just got back from a monster truck show and now I'm having a headache. I'm starting to get worried because of the head knock that happened almost a few days ago. Of course if I had never had hit my head then I would definitely not be worrying about this headache. It's mild not anything too painful or throbbing and it's in the front like focused more on my forehead. I took an ibuprofen about a half hour ago and I'm not sure if it's helped.
It's snowing bad out right now and I don't wanna bother my boyfriend mom yet again about taking me to the ER. Nobody seems to be worried about me having a headache but to me I'm like omg is my brain finally filling with blood. I'm trying to stay calm and rationalize but I could use some advice.

What do you guys think?

Some things I was trying to pin it down to was being at monster jam (the monster truck show) and it is very very loud. I had ear plugs in though. Also I brought and wore my glasses I don't always wear them.. Only if I'm watching tv or having to watch something from a distance. Sometimes when I wear my glasses for a long period of time I think I may get headaches because it's a change for my eyes. &it's not like I wear contacts so I only wear them when I said above. Plus along with being loud- there's lots of lights and colors and action happening at monster jam.

But alas... Anxiety keeps making me nervous about my brain and me dying any moment from hemorrhage.

Anxiety I hate you.

Just could use some other rational minds to help me out or unless you think it may be bad please tell me so I can go to the ER.

Thanks all :(

---------- Post added at 03:15 ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 ----------

Ugh I still got it.. Guessing it's more like a mild migraine. I've had some pretty bad migraines before so this ones definitely mild but I'm so worried now! :( it's 3am so I can't go to the ER everyone is sleeping and it's like a blizzard out. I'm hope this isn't bleeding. I can't stop thinking it's bad. It's like a throbbing at the temples.. Which is usually how a migraine is for me. But again I'm getting really upset about it being bleeding pressure on my brain. I'm scared now :(

13-02-16, 08:21
If you suffer from migraine I bet that's what it is. I got one a couple of days after my head bump. I definitely think mine are stress related, also the weather, air pressure in particular. So maybe the snow you're having is a factor?

13-02-16, 08:22
But alas... Anxiety keeps making me nervous about my brain and me dying any moment from hemorrhage.

Anxiety I hate you.

Just could use some other rational minds to help me out or unless you think it may be bad please tell me so I can go to the ER.

A "yes it's anxiety" to the first sentence, a big 'hell yeah' to the second one and an even bigger "no, don't panic" to the final one.

Having a bang to the head means headaches are likely. If you punched yourself in the leg, it is likely going to ache. That's completely natural and long before your anxiety even developed you would have had these aches & pains yet you are still here.

The Monster Jam is a likely culprit (very cool by the way, was it good?!) but with headaches there could be so many possibilities. You could be a bit dehydrated, a bit tired or many other things that cause headaches daily for anyone. Like you said, it's only the previous event that is allowing you to make an association...and associations are classic in anxiety.

If you are meant to wear your glasses al the time, not doing so could easily cause a headache due to the blurred vision of long distance objects that you naturally pick up in your field of vision. I used to get a lot of headaches before I had my eyes tested because I was having trouble seeing clearly beyond about 6 feet. Too many years working in front of PC screens!

13-02-16, 08:24
Well phuzella I typically get my migraines before my period and during. I don't usually just get them randomly. I also tried thinking that it's around ovulation time for me and I think I've gotten a migraine before around ovulation. I'm just very worried since the ibuprofen didn't help. But normally migraines aren't helped with ibuprofen. Ugh.. The fact Ive been so concerned about a brain bleed and now I'm having this headache is very scary for me. Even if it has been 3 days since.

13-02-16, 08:36
Hi terry!
Yes.. I'm totally associating this with my head bump. I don't know if brain bleeds can show symptoms up to 3 days later.. Or if it's been silently doing so and now it's bad enough to cause this. That's how I'm associating it. I'm refusing to look up facts about brain bleeds as well because I know I'm going to get to tears if I do.

Monster jam was great! (See image)
I just wish I could kept having a good day. /:

WHAT IF ... That's what keeps intruding my rational thoughts.. I'm really almost convinced that it's brain bleeding. Too close of a time since my incident with this migraine happening .. I'm freaked.

13-02-16, 08:43
Wow, looks very cool. You had a great view from there. Even before my harm-based OCD intrusive thought days I would have loved to have slammed one of them across the works car park! :biggrin:

Whats if's are a pain. Try and counter them with positive what if's. For example:

"What if I'm having a brain bleed?"

"What if I am not having a brain bleed?"
"What if my migraine is merely coincidence and I'm just associating these two events when there is no reason to?"
"What if my migraine was brought on by the event I went to?"
"What if this migraine is gone off shortly, that can't be anything more?"
"What if I am fine and it's just my anxiety?"

13-02-16, 09:09
Thanks terry, I'll try to stay positive it's very hard tho.

Times like these I wish I had a doctor friend or family member I could ask what the chances are of it being hemorrhage /:

13-02-16, 09:24
Can you imagine the size of the Xmas pressie you would have to buy them though :biggrin:

13-02-16, 10:45
Well my migraine or whatever it was has seemed to lessen and seems to be going away. Hoping not to jinx it but this must be a good sign right? I don't know if a hemorrhage would come and go with a headache ?

Ugh. I also wanna know when the danger zone of watching for serious head injury symptoms stops. I don't wanna get a headache next week and worry about the same thing.

I tried looking on here because I remember you telling me terry that there was a nurse member who had something to another member about this but I couldn't find it :(
Don't wanna Google either.

13-02-16, 10:53
I nearly posted it for you earlier.

It's a post by Debs71 on a thread made by Mudskipper. If you search for posts by Debs71 on the HA board it will come up right near the top as it wasn't long ago.

What she is saying in there is exactly what other people on here have been told by doctors when they have gone to A&E, asked their GP's or been seen by paramedics. The watch periods for these things have always been very short.

Whilst I can't say for sure, I've never looked into them, I would imagine any bleed would cause pressure and that pain would be bad and it wouldn't go away and then come back as that would surely mean the bleed stops & starts. And you know what we are always saying on here about serious things like this (and all those cancers too) they keep getting worse. So, yes it seems a good sign it is improving - but I don't think it was ever anything worse anyway.

13-02-16, 11:43
Wellll I found it terry! I found a couple things she has posted on people who hit their head threads.

Apparently it's crucial to watch for signs 2-4 hours after the incident.
24 hour max watching period.

If I remember correctly, after I hit my head I shook it off.. And continued up the stairs to put my laundry in the dryer. After that I got into the bath to relax because I was already overthinking the whole thing. I posted on here and then I was just very anxious feeling and didn't go to bed till very very late because I was afraid to sleep. I didn't black out, get dizzy or weak or feel weird. I just felt anxious! The only things I could say I had were on and off very mild headaches and soreness / tenderness on my head when laying down & those things didn't happen until after 4 hrs..more like a day after . This migraine today was very mild and now seems to be gone.

3 days after my lil incident I guess I should try to drop this as I'm out of the watch period for sure and anything I had was mild & did not worsen.

I guess I remember seeing something about concussion symptoms can appear as much as a week after.. But I guess not bleeding that's something that happens right after the injury like if you cut your skin on something .. It wouldn't wait a week to bleed it would happen as soon as the injury. I guess that's how I should think.

Thanks terry for the help btw. Gotta stay rational now. I think I did pretty good just now rationalizing! I guess because the headache seems to be gone .. Gotta learn to rationalize better when I'm feeling what's worrying me ! :p