View Full Version : My History

13-02-16, 13:55
I just want to list down from the first time this turmoil has hit me until now. Maybe to let other members know if they’re at the same boat as me. And also meet people who has similar history as me.

December 2014: This is the beginning, I felt a lump in my right armpit, and had a flu and sore throat, I had an idea to Google it and IT WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE. I diagnosed myself with Esophageal Cancer, Lung Cancer and a whole lot more.

January 2015: I had a sensation in my left face/head, It felt like NUMB. I diagnosed myself with mini-stroke. THIS is the time also that my bowel had gone crazy, I would visit the Comfort Room 4 to 6 times with bouts of diarhea and constipation, sometimes its just mucus.

February 2015: I had a normal day of battling bowel problems when suddenly my abdomen(the central area just before my central chest is having a crushing pain that it felt like it took my breathe away). I called my parents and requested to rush me in the Emergency Room. The Doctor ordered Blood Test, and she just diagnosed me with just LOW POTASSIUM.

March 2015: After eating an apple, I was having a weird chest sensation, then palpitations, and BAMM it was like Heart attack, find out later that it is called as Panic Attack. I demanded an Emergency Room visit again and the doctor ordered BLOOD, STOOL, URINE, and ECG.
He diagnose me with Gastritis, IBS, and GERD, and also Mitral Valve Prolapse(a heart condition but doctor told me it is fairly minor and common). Just before I left, the doctor had a semi-laugh/smile like he is grinning, and told me that it was just panic attack. I felt embarassed because I felt like he was just laughing at my condition.

April-July 2015: Pins and Needles sensation, palpitations, food sensitivity, hot and cold flushes, weird zits and bumps on my skin, and hyperventilation.

August-November 2015: During this period I have experience FAINTING, in the church I was standing because there are no chairs left to sit, my vision went black, and my ears was having a pressure and weird buzzing/ringing and at that time just before I fainted I really thought I was going to die. But I regain my consciousness and I wss really afraid. This is also the period when my lower back pain and chest pain was torturing me.

December 2015: Back pain, shoulder pain, Head aches, Dizziness, Chest pain, feeling sick even if my temperature is normal, nausea, and sleepiness during the day.

January-February 2016: Then same issues, the only new one is TMJ(Jaw in the left was painful and was locked, it went well after 4 days). Today I am having a numbing sensation in my left shoulder and chest(AGAIN!) I'm back again in worrying that I have a serious heart condition. My life is a pure mess since December of 2014. It really wonders me if this all attributed to anxiety, I made a behavior change since 2015 but still this symptoms makes me feel like I have a sinister disease. My only relief is SLEEPING and my being with my FAMILY. I really hate my life. Thank you.

13-02-16, 14:42
I have an excel spreadsheet that details my daily and monthly sales. It helps me keep track of my goals and allows me to see trends.

Do you really keep a detailed record of your symptoms? I guess that's the OCD aspect of HA. If anything, your list shows that indeed it's anxiety as none of the sinister things you thought were happening actually were the case. The other symptoms are all anxiety symptoms as well. It also shows the cycle you're in.

Are you getting help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

14-02-16, 00:36
I have an excel spreadsheet that details my daily and monthly sales. It helps me keep track of my goals and allows me to see trends.

Do you really keep a detailed record of your symptoms? I guess that's the OCD aspect of HA. If anything, your list shows that indeed it's anxiety as none of the sinister things you thought were happening actually were the case. The other symptoms are all anxiety symptoms as well. It also shows the cycle you're in.

Are you getting help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts
I don’t really keep a detailed daily record fishmanpa. I mean, I don’t write down things. I just sort of remember the things going on my body, the major ones that makes me real worried. The hardest thing to accept is that I came to a point where I changed myself( I stopped googling that much and I would ignore some minor physical symptoms like lumps) but the anxiety symptoms still attacking me, which leads me back again to being health anxious and sometimes I’ll have this thought: What if it’s the other way around? What if real sinister disease is causing the anxiety? I really don’t know.