View Full Version : Frustrated!!

dizzy daisy
13-02-16, 16:40
I've been having a horrible bout of anxiety fur the last few months after years of being relatively well with it.
I've accepted finally that this is anxiety and not some awful disease and the symptoms have at times subsided and I've felt much better, however they keep flaring up again seemingly out of the blue and I'm so frustrated at this!!
Anyone else in this situation right now?
Have had a few sessions of counselling which has helped me a little, but I only have 2 more sessions left.
I've been looking through the dr Claire Weekes book- essential help for your nerves, which had also helped me to accept the symptoms as anxiety related.
I'm trying my best to get plenty of sleep- fatigue has been an issue for me - and this has helped to an extent, but some days I still seem to be tired!! This increases the anxiety or vice versa.
I'm trying to have some relaxation to music too.
I'm working full time and trying to stay distracted whilst at work which sometimes helps and sometimes not.
Just so frustrated that despite all my efforts this bout has not subsided as quickly as I'd like.

13-02-16, 19:32
As with any serious physical illness, recovery from mental illness is measured in weeks and months. There will be occasional blips now and again and it's to be expected. It's a process and one that takes a continued concerted effort.

Just keep up the efforts and things will continue to improve.

Positive thoughts

13-02-16, 19:53
I'm right there with you. I've been in a living HA hell for the past 6 months but last week finally decided with my doctor to go on meds. I was trying to "just get over it" myself and I couldn't break the compulsive cycle of checking, scanning, looking up symptoms....always felt convinced I was dying every second of the day.

I'm on day 4 of meds and I already feel a difference in my level of calm, but I'm still having anxiety and trouble accepting my throat/sinus/neck issues as anxiety and allergies.

Like you I was hoping this would subside more quickly but it can apparently take weeks even to get acclimated to the meds, which can cause increased anxiety at first, so that's not helping.

You're on a good path and are going a very good thing by trying to take better care of yourself, getting more sleep and relaxing. It's very hard but we can do it!

Best wishes to you!

dizzy daisy
13-02-16, 20:37
Thanks to both of you for your replies. I am trying my very best to stay positive with this and keep pushing forward. What else can I do.
On a positive note, my mood has improved quite a bit over the last 2 weeks. I had periods of feeling really low and have noticed I'm not really having that as much now.
I noticed I was feeling much calmer following a counselling session and it was such a relief from this horrible anxious state. Just disappointed that I had a bad day yesterday and today with it. I've just got to try and not let it get to me too much- easier said than done.
Angela- hope the meds work well for you. If your feeling calmer already then that's a really good sign. Your anxiety will subside soon too I just know it. Xxxx