View Full Version : Pelvic/Renal utrasound....scared.

13-02-16, 17:11
Hello Friends,

I have been having some pains that I thought were a urine infection - side pains, low pelvic pain, white cells in urine for the past couple of weeks. I had a course of antibiotics but was still having white cells in my urine.

I finally managed to see my GP again who dipped my urine and said nothing was in it. She then asked me a load of questions about my gynaecological health. I told her I had a history of polycystic ovaries but not the full PCOS syndrome. As soon as she heard that, she latched onto the pains being a gynae issue. I have regular periods, no spotting inbetween (as I used to get with my ovarian cysts) and no other signs of the gynae stuff apart from these niggling pains. This is all complicated by me also having IBS and a lumbar spine issue, both of which create similar pains. She then asked me:

' Is there a history of breast or ovarian cancer in your family?' (there isn't)

I nearly threw up with fear.

She has referred me for a pelvic and renal scan, as she is not sure whether this is gynae related or urinary......to be honest I am scared to death.

Since I have suffered from GAD, and after all the years I nursed, I have a fear of hospital tests and results that I did not have before. My mind is so busy self-diagnosing. I don't have what I would say is full blown HA, as I am able to rationalise most things, but when it comes to bigger stuff like this, I get so terrified at what the results will be.

I am sitting here crying and shaking. I am just so tired of all this physical stuff, just when I am ok mentally.

Any words of wisdom are appreciated.xxx:weep:

13-02-16, 17:27
I don't have any wisdom Debs, just sending you a big hug :bighug1: xx

13-02-16, 19:00
Thank you, LittleGsMama....I really appreciate a hug right now.xxx:weep:

13-02-16, 19:27
I have had loads of pelvic/renal ultrasounds, they are very helpful in ruling out anything nasty which is what she is doing. It would be neglectful of her is she did not send you for a scan rather than she is expecting anything to show up.

I understand your fear though as will everyone with HA. Remember there is much more chance that absolutely nothing of interest will show up on the scan.

13-02-16, 19:39
Hi Debs, I agree, based on your symptoms I'd expect this referral...I had very similar symptoms a couple of years ago, I was sent for the same scan. They found nothing and my issues resolved on their own.

Oh, and at this initial GP appointment my Dr said 'depending on the scan results we can do a blood test for ovarian cancer' so I was scared out if my mind too! I honestly think these doctors are so used to using these words they don't realise the effect they have on us sensitive souls :0

Hope all goes well
Lin xx

13-02-16, 20:35
Thank you for replying, countrygirl and Lin. It really helps to hear others have had similar experiences.

My rational mind is telling me the same things, that it is better to know what is going on and that she is only being thorough, but of course my anxious side is scared what might show up. I can cope with the cysts, fibroids or whatever.....it is the fear of anything other that is making me nervous...but then I guess what will be will be.

Thank you again.xxx:hugs:

13-02-16, 21:07
I'd be the same, Debs. I'm surprised she didn't offer you a CA125 blood test first and then do the scans if necessary but can PCOS affect that particular blood test marker? I think it may.

It may be an interstitial cystitis/ painful bladder syndrome thing but then you have IBS and a lumbar spine problem anyway which can throw up all sorts of pain in that region.

I guess she's covering her tracks but that doesn't help your anxiety. I had to have a pelvic ultrasound a few years ago due to right quadrant pelvic pain and I was fearing the worst (of course) but my ovary was fine and it was probably IBS related.

I hope you don't have to wait too long for the tests-good to get them out of the way asap xx

13-02-16, 21:24
PCOS can really affect CA125 blood test results so Dr probably wouldn't do that one as a routine test.

I had a similar experience with a Dr ticking the boxes with urology a couple of years ago. I have always had occult blood in my urine on dip test and 30 years ago had IV pyelogram x rays and nothing was found and had numerous pelvic/renal untrasounds as well. it has always caused problems with routine testing. Anyway this new Dr said that the only test I hadn't ahd done was camera in bladder becasue polyps cannot be seen other than by camera:wacko: and he scared me by saying you can be born with them and they can turn cancerous in your 60's! So I agreed to have the cystoscopy.

I was totally terrified of the proceedure itself and any result. Outcome the proceedure was a doddle and not painful and the urologist told me to look at the screen as I had a perfectly beautiful smooth bladder with no imperfections.

03-05-16, 09:43
I'm so sorry for not updating this thread until now.....thank you everyone who kindly replied. :) xxx

I had the scan and overall it was pretty positive, after all my worry. My renal scan was fine - kidneys and bladder looked good. The pelvic scan was baffling - the sonographer said that there was no sign of any cysts on my ovaries now (after having polycystic ovaries from a scan in 2013) and my fibroid (on the outside of the womb) has not grown much at all. I am not sure how much they can really see with an abdominal pelvic u/s as opposed to a transvaginal u/s - so I was a bit sceptical about the 'no cysts' thing - but overall, I was very relieved. I have been taking some supplements for the ovarian cysts - Evening Primrose and Starflower Oil, and Agnus Castus, so I don't know if maybe they have had an effect....who knows?

I have no idea what was going on with me now. I can only think that my pain was either my lumbar abnormailty or my IBS flaring. As for the urine white cells, no idea....possibly a bout of cystitis??

I really, really appreciate the very supportive and helpful replies you all gave me. It helps so much to talk about stuff like this with others who can relate. xxx:hugs: