View Full Version : Please help me with me fear :(

13-02-16, 19:50

Ive already created topic that i worry about Sporadic Fatal Insomnia :weep: but i need seriously answer that help me so much guys

After three wakefulness nights i was going to google at night and found a FFI/SFI and my body was shaking .....ive never ever had sleeping problems ...its possible to me that ive had anxiety and i developed obssesion

Ive developed insomnia about near one month ago ...nights without zero sleep and nights with light sleep :blush: That night i sleep around 7 hours but only with melatonine and prescribed Benedryl :weep: Also i wake up two times at night and also im awake and its something like that i was dreaming when i was awake or something like that and i scrape my hands ...i think ive had these symptomps that i scrape my hands and was awake in my history ....

Now i want to go to sleep center and i want to do PET scan ....i daily doing memory lessons ....also had some twiching in legs and my head had minor twiching too ...

Please guys give me a answer :weep:

Thanks so much for your time

13-02-16, 21:04
I'm just going to go ahead and quote myself.

No... just no.

SFI is a condition that has only been documented in 10 to 15 patients IN ALL HISTORY, AND IN ALL THE WORLD.

It'd be like... 100+ times as likely for you to be struck by lightning than to have one of the rarest conditions of all times.

You don't sleep well because you're too nervous and anxious, that's all.

13-02-16, 21:16
I once had a crippling fear of tetanus. I kept thinking I had it and kept getting neck spasms. One day, I just forgot all about it! I think you'll just pass through this. You need to keep your mind off it. When you have thoughts about it, remember they are just thoughts and although they cause you a lot of fear, they are unreasonable.
Notice how we aren't all afraid of this, it's just a phobia that has captured your nervous system, now you need to change how you react to those thoughts.

14-02-16, 23:18
What makes you so special you'd have a disease literally like ten people have ever had.

Sorry, but if you had that kinda luck you'd have won the lottery or been an x-man or something.

15-02-16, 10:16
Fear doesn't work on a rational level sometimes. Also, how old are you dante?

15-02-16, 10:25
What makes you so special you'd have a disease literally like ten people have ever had.

Sorry, but if you had that kinda luck you'd have won the lottery or been an x-man or something.

There have been other people who fear this too.

HA tends to focus on the rare chances. Look at all the people on here who worried about Ebola.

I doubt special would be a word any of the poor people who suffered this horrible condition would describe it.

15-02-16, 14:51

This night i sleep at all but i think thats very light sleeping ...btw im 25

---------- Post added at 15:51 ---------- Previous post was at 14:40 ----------

also ...today ive had blood test and my TSH is very low 0.2-0.25 and normal is 0.35 and thats found in hyperthyreosis ...

15-02-16, 19:00
You shouldn't be researching this or proceeding any further with your research - it's just making you more scared of nothing. No one here will say that you have this disorder because you don't...you need to take your mind off this and focus on something else!

15-02-16, 19:19
Originally Posted by androidz View Post
No... just no.

SFI is a condition that has only been documented in 10 to 15 patients IN ALL HISTORY, AND IN ALL THE WORLD.

It'd be like... 100+ times as likely for you to be struck by lightning than to have one of the rarest conditions of all times.

You don't sleep well because you're too nervous and anxious, that's all.

^^^ THIS^^^

Positive thoughts

15-02-16, 20:13
There have been other people who fear this too.

HA tends to focus on the rare chances. Look at all the people on here who worried about Ebola.

I doubt special would be a word any of the poor people who suffered this horrible condition would describe it.

Sorry; maybe special was a poor word choice. It's just so unlikely. I don't mean to be crass. It's just *such* an ubsustantiated fear and I realize HA can be like that but...FFI? No way in a million years

15-02-16, 20:28
Thank you for your responses..every your word make me feel good :)

Yes i found a lot of peoples who suffered from false SFI condition and whats interesting that these people start topic like fear of sporadic fatal insomnia and mazybe after three replies theyre unactive during several months or years ...if these peoples dies its been on mainstream or no?

Yes im crazy...and maybe time is doctor.I will update you every week.

What help me so much is that : SFI had PROGRESSIVE INSOMNIA.Its not total insomnia by first day ....and this is progressive for example : had in one month 7 hours of sleep ..than in second month 4 hours ....that makes me to think more rationally ...

please assume me if im right ... and should i go to EEG or sleep study or PET scan ..or in other side go to the swimming pool and got a bunch of exercise ?

My other symptoms is as i describe some muscle twiching and head sometimes too ...and whats is special that im so before insomnia night with maybe 0/2 hours of sleep i know it and thats no parasomnia or so..im not tired at all ..yesterday im swiming and running and had two hours of sleep :ohmy: its this anything special or its effect of sleep deprivation?

And if youve got some tricks how to set up mind to other things to thinking.... just give me some advices ill be so thankful :)

15-02-16, 21:15
How is your diet? Muscle twitching can often be a sign of low electrolytes or potassium. And exercise is always a good thing: it will work wonders for your anxiety. The biggest thing is stop googling your symptoms. you cannot get better if you do not make a conscious effort to break that cycle.

16-02-16, 07:20

This night i sleep maybe 2 hours going at 11pm to bed and wake at 4.a.m ...the problem is ..that after i wake up at night i dont feel sleepy and my heart run...and then i asleep at 6.am than got hour of sleep...and i dont feel sleepy at all...

Got any idea whats wrong ?

16-02-16, 17:58
Anxiety??. It causes all kinds of stupid symptoms. X

23-02-16, 18:09
HI I really like to update you guys.Feel normal now ...I have normal sleeping ...sometimes interrupted and I wake up sometimes but I feel normal.Now I've had insomnia since 2 days ago when I was visited my sister.But fairly I asleep in the morning ..but feels Ok.So what's you're ideas guys ...if I've had Sfi or ffi ...its worst condition ? I've had this fear since 16 January when I completely had insomnia ...thanks

23-02-16, 18:27
what's you're ideas guys ...if I've had Sfi or ffi ...its worst condition ?

You're still alive and sleeping normally. What's the appropriate answer to that question?

Positive thoughts

03-04-16, 10:23
Hello i want you update guys ...

Since my last post i dont have insomnia and sleeping well about 8-10 hours per night ..but last two days i have insomnia back :(
My question guys and what do you think.If i have sfi serious illness do i have stages when i have normal sleep ?
Its always about when ive been exhausted after insomnia night.My mind focus on sfi condition ..but ..this two days when im going to bed i think about not beign asleep and sfi ..

So please guys i dont know my next steps what to do...

08-10-16, 08:54
Hey guys

I want to update you and give you questions.Thank you very much for all asnwers!!!!!

First my sleep was improved dramatically ive got new work where i must wake up at 4 am so my sleep hygiene was excelent ...go to bed at 9pm and wake up 4am.Plus i added to my daily routine gym and i gain some kilograms ...i feel nice

Without any problems i asleep like baby but always have irregular questions in my mind ..what if i have sfi/ffi ..what is sleeping...what if i dont wake up...but always asleep.

About week ago i quit work and ive got problems with searching with work.Last 2 days ive got poor sleeping(that night have good i think have dreams ...) but yesterday i sleep at 4.a.m about two hours.

My question is guys its any chance that i have sfi or ffi and this is last stage?I mean im scaried as hell that insomnia coming back.I do feel any stress or anything else but yes my mind when i lay in bed racing about sleeping ...but this is the main problem?

It will help so much if you give me question how to destroy these feelings...

I know its near 9 months (started 15 january that insomnia) but its any chance to have this disease...i have respect with it you know.

Thank you guys!!!

28-12-16, 10:48
Hey guys

Update! Sleeping good since my last post but last night very poor.
What do you think guys ...its sfi/ffi? I count days...day by day till its 1 year in 15th january...Always when ive got poor sleep next day i think ive had fatal insomnia.What cause this? How to overcome insomnia ? Or poor nights? Thanks...