View Full Version : chest discomfort and throwing up

14-02-16, 02:04
hello everyone, i haven't been on this site as much as i've been getting over my anxiety over the past month. last night i had a lot of stress and almost had a full blow panic attack for the first time in weeks. i had some chest pain during panic attack that went away after i calmed down. i woke up from palpitation or feeling like my heart was beating weird and some chest pain / feeling, indescribable but awful. (mostly weird feeling, indescribable and can't pinpoint which is worrying me unlike the pain where i can poke it and duplicate it) i was freaking out took my pulse etc. and it was 66-70. normal for resting right? i couldn't go back to sleep and only got 5 hours and i still have the weird chest feeling earlier it was so bad feeling i wanted to cry but now its just annoying. (still want to cry from feeling this way though) is this all anxiety? i went to the hospital three times and every time my ekgs x rays etc were all fine. i talked to my family about this just now and they said it was all panic symptoms. one even showed me a post on this forum where someone said burning squeezing indescribable chest feelings were all symptoms they were having (the closet i can describer mine is like squeezing and tightness in the whole left chest area / heart area, very scary). i was feeling a little better trying to ignore the feeling so i could see if it went away (it went away earlier today for a few minutes when i went to the restroom) but i threw up. i'm worried again because last time i went to the doctor they said "if its a new symptom come back" and "come if you throw up". i ate an egg and bacon BLT earlier (vegetarian faux bacon) and it was way to salty. i also woke up feeling like i was going to throw up and i'm trying to chalk it up to upset stomach or maybe mucus building because i have allergies. i feel better after throwing up but the chest tightness / discomfort is still there. i also had sweaty feet dizziness and weak arms feelings which i've had during bad anxiety but mixed with the chest sensation you can see how i'd panic (i think they came after the chest pain though). do i need to see a dr about this? earlier i thought i did but after throwing up i feel better and am thinking i should relax since all my test results were fine. (oldest test was a month ago, recent) i am 23 and otherwise healthy. i'm trying to be rational as i've had the chest feeling before but this was mixed with weird beats and palpitations which freaked me out but also i did go into panic mode last night so i'm hoping this is just residue. sorry for the long text i'm just needing reassurance right now

was that a heart attack earlier or signs of one? I'm so stressed about that but otherwise i feel a lot more calm than i used to while writing these posts

i also was diagnosed with chest wall pain 2 months ago and slept on a new mattress last night (side sleeper and slept on heart side) if that could combine with any of the anxiety symptoms

I'm still having chest discomfort with some tightness and sweaty feet, if this was serious would it not last 5 hours on and off or is that a sign of imminent problem