View Full Version : hello

24-09-04, 17:59
hi their im twinkle 22 i am 22 & have been agraphobic for 5 years i am unable to leave my back yard & have lost most of my freinds its hard to cope alone parents are good but dont really understand what im going through please get in touch xx

t bennett

24-09-04, 18:09
Hi Twinkle ,

Welcome to the site .

what sort of help have you had so far from your doctor or therapist maybe ?

What started all this off originally ?


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

24-09-04, 18:14
Hi Twinkle!

Im new here too and I'd like to say that you have come to the right place! The support and advice in here is wonderful!

Good luck!

Minny... x

24-09-04, 18:18
i got badly bullied in school on tablets & see community pyciatric nurse at the moment

t bennett

24-09-04, 18:21
hi minny i hope they can help me now been alone to long

<div align="right">Originally posted by minny - 24 September 2004 : 18:14:56</div id="right">

t bennett

24-09-04, 18:34
Hello Twinkle:D

Just want to say welcome to the site, there are lots of nice people her and lots of support.


24-09-04, 18:36
hello Twinkle,

Welcome to the site!! I'm sure everyone here will do all they can do help.

Sarah :D

24-09-04, 18:44
Hi Hon

Welcome to the site. You will find lots of great advice and support on here and everyone will try to help you through. I am sorry you are in such a bad position at the moment.

Are the tablets you taking making you feel any better.

Love Sal xxxxx

24-09-04, 19:56
Hi there

Welcome aboard!

We will help you all we can and offer you advice along the way.

Do you get out atall?


24-09-04, 22:58
Hi Twinkle

Welcome to the site. I am sure you will receive lots of support here.


25-09-04, 11:19
Hi twinkle

welcome to the site and forum
if you are having any problems then you can give any of us a pm (personal message) or you can make your own topic like you have done

i hope you are feeling better now that you have found some wonderful people

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

25-09-04, 17:14

It was good to see you in the chat room last night. I hope you come back again soon.


26-09-04, 00:24
Hi Twinkle

How are you getting on hon?

I do hope you are feeling a bit better and i hope going in the chat room helped you.

Love Sal xxxxx