View Full Version : Health anxiety is stopping me supporting a terminally ill friend

14-02-16, 18:58
Hi all,
One of my friends (more an acquaintance really; I trained with her a few years ago and we kept in touch) is terminally ill with breast cancer. When I found out I just freaked out. My mum died of breast cancer in 2014 and I have been really health anxious about cancer (and breast cancer) since then.
My friends diagnosis just tipped me over the edge - was suddenly in the grip of a massive health anxiety trip. Very unwell, panic attacks, checking behaviours through the roof.......the whole works. It brought back a lot of grief about my mum's death and the fact that she ignored symptoms until it was too late to get a cure.
I am a bit better now but it's hard because I can't bring myself to phone this person or see her. I feel so guilty and so sick at the thought of her breast cancer. Just writing this post is making me anxious. Fortunately my friend has a close circle of friends and family. But I feel so guilty and so upset every time I think about her. I know she would like to see me. She is in palliative care at the moment. I don't know her prognosis, she could have weeks, months or years.
Any advice? A counsellor friend said I should regard it as exposure therapy and try and brave being in touch with her. At the moment I can't even pick up the phone without shaking.