View Full Version : Anxiety over sex

15-02-16, 09:05

I am in a long term relationship and my anxiety is really starting to get in its way. I'm on citalopram, and the birth control pill.

Basically, every time we have sex I spend the next couple days freaking out over being pregnant. We use condoms as well as my pill, but, for example the last time he started to put one on the wrong way but then fixed it and we used that condom. I know the chances of getting pregnant from this (especially because I'm on the pill) are pretty much zero, right? But I'm in the midst of my second day after and still in panic mode.

Someone please help me, I can't keep doing this to me or my amazing boyfriend.

15-02-16, 09:25
Oh I can totally relate to this! I'll be the same way! I'll can't wait to get my period so I know for sure. I'm not on the pill though.. We just use condoms and he pulls out before he finishes. Plus I try to stay away from having sex around ovulation time.

But anyways, if your on the pill and you use condoms then you are being pretty damn safe. But your not alone in feeling this way .. I'm so super safe in making sure it's put on right and that he pulls out a good time before he finishes yet I still worry.
It's just anxiety and anxiety loves making us worry about something.

Again I'd say your being so very safe and I doubt you'll get pregnant being as safe a your being Hun.

If you wanna feel like your being even more safe then buy spermicidal lube! Lol so you'll be like 3x as safe.

15-02-16, 09:33
Calm down. Good job on using 2 types of birth control my wife did that when we were dating years ago. I hated it but now I'm so glad she did because when it comes to sex alot of men let their hormones get the best of them lol, and the last thing I needed was a baby before I hit 20. She never got pregnant then and now she's just on birth control and we have sex 3 times a week sometimes more or less and no baby, so try to relax and continue your preventative measures, and I'm sure you will be fine. BTW she was the same way you are about the situation I spent 100s of dollars on pregnancy tests because she would be a few days late on her period. She feels very silly about it now because we used so much protection.

15-02-16, 09:38
I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one. It makes me feel like I'm going crazy most of the time. He is very understanding but I know it takes its toll.

Do you think I need to worry about the fact we started to put the condom on wrong and then still used it after he fixed it? That's my biggest worry right now.

But thank you for your kind words.

15-02-16, 09:41
I doubt there's a man alive who hasn't tried putting one on the wrong way at least once. We need a "this end front" label on the damn things!!!

You are being very safe & responsible about this. It's a big thing, with that big risk to it of a child, so it's bound to be an issue for someone with anxiety.

There won't be any worries about him putting it on the wrong way and then still using it. If that were an issue, the manufacturer would have had to put warnings on the box anyway.

15-02-16, 09:49
Lmao I've did that alot. Everytime she caught me she would make me throw it away and get another. But no you are fine if you get pregnant from that I'll eat my ps4

15-02-16, 09:51
Lauren id say it's fine because he didn't even ya know ..have any sperms come out yet lol so yeah that's fine and you should be fine :p just because it touched his tool don't mean it was contaminated with baby juice lol some work has to be done before any that comes out :roflmao:

Plus again your on the pill you're not gonna be Preggo.

15-02-16, 09:55
Lauren id say it's fine because he didn't even ya know ..had any sperms come out yet lol so yeah that's fine and you should be fine :p just because it touched his tool don't mean it was contaminated with baby juice lol some work has to be done before any that comes out :roflmao:


What a chore :whistles::D

15-02-16, 09:56
I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one. It makes me feel like I'm going crazy most of the time. He is very understanding but I know it takes its toll.

Do you think I need to worry about the fact we started to put the condom on wrong and then still used it after he fixed it? That's my biggest worry right now.

But thank you for your kind words.

Technically, the pill alone is enough to avoid pregnancy. Excuse me for being maybe a little bit too detailed, but even if you two had sex without a condom you would still not get pregnant.

Adding a condom on top of using the pill is a second barrier of protection, so your chances of being pregnant are negligible, pretty much 0.

15-02-16, 14:32
You've had this fear for some time. Short of abstinence, I believe you've taken every responsible precaution you can. If you get pregnant after all that I might be looking up for the reason ;)

Positive thoughts