View Full Version : Eye floaters/and shining white things that dart around

15-02-16, 16:32
So, right off the bat I know this sounds like "Oh that's normal, pft"
No. I have so many floaters, I gave up counting them, I see them in the dark too, honestly contemplated suicide over it because I'd rather walk around with a blindfold on. Not only do I have floaters, but I'll have this occasional blind spot show up, when it's dark. a big black hole that sits there until I blink. Aside from that, "blue sky phenomenon". "If you look hard enough, you can see darting white blood cells in your eyes, woohoo". Right, I don't have to look hard at all, I just look straight at the ground, I see them I look at a computer screen, i see them, I look at a black cieling.. I see them.
My eye doctor "Everything seems to be okay". She was young, and I don't trust her. Maybe that's my problem, I just have no idea.
(Sorry for the terrible grammar)

15-02-16, 17:15
You have described perfectly how my eyesight is 100% of the time.
So many floaters, blindspots occasionly, the blue sky phenomenon 24/7, flashes etc the black hole (surrounded by yellow usually for me)
but it is what it is. If you have been check and youre fine then I wuold take that to be the truth :)

Honestly, just reading this made me chuckle and feel a whole lot better. I love you. Thank you. :bighug1:

16-02-16, 04:40
I have that floaters and visual disturbances since I was a kid. So, don’t worry, you’ve been checked so take it, if you’re in doubt go look for another eye doctor but make sure you’ll brush your worries away when the 2nd doctor confirms you that you’re fine.

16-02-16, 05:04
I get floaters when looking at bright light like the sky or if it's snowy out.. They always worried me but my bf gets them too so I try not to worry. Anyways I remember reading that if the floaters reall bother you or are seen often to get it checked which you did and they said you're fine so I believe you are fine! I know you're worried about more than just that but if any of those things you talked about were a bad thing the eye doctor would have known ans you would not be told you are fine. I wish I could get the balls to go to the doctor about my worrisome symptoms but I'm too afraid and I wish so much to be told by a doctor that I'm fine. You got the all clear so you should feel reassured to be honest.