View Full Version : Menopause Fever????

15-02-16, 18:55
Hey everyone

I am 44 and I have been experiencing symptoms of perimenopause for a couple of years, but lately had to go to my doctor because I was experiencing very heavy periods and large clots, had a scan with found I had fibroids. My doctor thinks I'm approaching menopause but for the last month ive been getting fevers as high as 38.5 C. doctor thought it was UTI and put me on trimethoprim but symptoms have gone and fever still there. I guess what I want to ask everyone is can high fever result from hormones, this has been driving me crazy keep thinking i've got raging infection that's gonna kill me, btw my anxiety has gone through the roof

thanks for any help

15-02-16, 19:34
Oh the dreaded sweats, hot flushes and fevers. Yes, sadly all menopausal and yes, the anxiety also begins. Sad to say it is all perfectly 'normal'. However, talk to your GP about ways to minimise the effect it has on your life - there is of course HRT - I used the patches and they did help.

16-02-16, 16:08
Thanks for your reply

16-02-16, 17:07
Welsh Mama - I am almost 63 and still experiencing some of the effects of the menopause - and that includes the sweats, and I am convinced my panic attacks started around the same time as the menopause.

I did the whole thing - Oil of Evening Primrose, other supposed helpful herbal supplements and even the magnet thing which is placed in underwear


I think the HRT patches did help and would suggest you talk to your GP about anything that might help minimise the effects, because they can continue for a long time !

16-02-16, 18:12
Never heard of the magnet thing. Did it work lol

18-02-16, 15:48
I spoke to my doctor today again about the fevers. I have to get more blood tests done because I don't have any other symptoms other than the fevers wierd. He didn't seam too worried though so maybe that's a good sign.