View Full Version : stressing causing me not to eat

15-02-16, 20:23
Hi all,
I have been suffering with anxiety and depression for 4-5 years now and I thought I was doing a lot better over the past year but everything has just came down on top of me and I really am struggling to cope :(
I have been sent down to wales for work ( help starting up a new building for my company) for a few weeks which I thought would be a great experience but just before I left my boyfriend of 6 years told me he'd found someone else and left. The first couple of days in Wales was not to bad as I was too busy running around but then on my day off I was hit hard with a feeling of loneliness and anxiety. The team I came with I feel like are not interested in wanting to be around me as well as constantly feeling like I don't belong at all. I don't want to go home but I don't want to be here either, all I've had to eat is a sandwich a day for the past week and a half every time I think about eating I feel violently sick. Now my boss has asked me to stay another few weeks. I feel empty inside I go to work come back and sit there worrying myself into a tight knot and upsetting myself but I can't stop it its all I feel and I don't know what to do anymore I can't shake it and it's always in my mind. Sorry guys feel like I'm being so stupid!

16-02-16, 00:04
I don't think you're being stupid at all! A break up like that is really tough. I've been through that and though it's been a long time since I remember how devastating it was. That alone can put you in depression. It's normal to feel this way and just the fact that you are working and pushing through this difficult time tells me you have a lot of perseverance. I had not ever felt such loneliness as that. I wish there was something I could say to help you feel better, but the only thing that helps is time....and to continue distracting yourself with your work and other activities. It does help if you have someone you can talk to and confide in.