View Full Version : Heavy feeling under my eyes and feeling funny

28-02-07, 17:31
I've had a few panic attacks today and when I was out under my eyes started to feel funny and I felt funny in general and I was sure I was going to faint, even as I am writing this post I still have a heavy feeling under my eyes, is this a normal symptom of anxiety? ;)

28-02-07, 19:25
I believe it is - when I feel anxious I breathe funny,feel hot and dizzy and my eyes feel achey and weird in their sockets. What I do is to stop thinking aboutit and distract myself and it usually goes. Good luck. Love wenjoy x

28-02-07, 20:57
It sounds like what I was feeling a couple of weeks ago. The area below my eyes would suddenly feel very heavy as if it was getting tighter across my face and if it continued that way I thought I'd collapse. This would happen about 10 times a day, especially when I was on public transport. I just tried to get through it - hung on to the rails, read other people's newpapers, count, etc. I also stopped using eye cream as I thought that perhaps that was helping the area under my eyes feel heavy and dry. I don't know what happened, but I haven't felt like that for about a week (but I'm still very anxious) so I don't know why it's gone (not that I'm complaining!)

28-02-07, 21:06

I suffer panic attacks, feel dizzy, sick and as if im going to pass out, then turns to an asthma attack.
I shake and feel trembles in my body, I get hot and feel like I have ants crawling under my skin.
The eye area , I get a twitch which can last up too an hour.

Im sorry your having to go through your symtoms, do you know how to calm yourself done from an attack so it will not last so long. my hubby was taught how to help me, which is helpful to me.

I hope you find some encouragement from the site.
take care