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View Full Version : Bad couple of days (anyone with pregnancy experience particularly welcome!)

16-02-16, 21:09
I've been on Sertraline 50 mg for a month and a bit now and feel much better for it but had a rough couple of days. From Dec, I started having upper/middle back pain, mostly round the ribs (mostly right side but also left) and convinced myself it was pancreatic cancer (again. Been here before). Anyway, obstetrician thought it was pregnancy related costochondritis and at my last appointment, also used the term Rib flare. It does make sense but I wish I could just let the PC fear go. I've never been good at being pregnant, always terrified of an amniotic fluid embolism which affects only 14/700,000 (approx.) women giving birth, usually in labour, not C Sections which I have had, making a 0.002% chance. Pretty unrealistic and it isn't as fatal as it once was anyway. Used to have a 80%+ death rate but now in the UK its estimated 16-30%.

My reason for explaining that is that for a woman aged 25-29 the risk of getting PC is even less, 0.0001%, 4 women out of approx 1, 700,000 are diagnosed in that age bracket a year so definitely an irrational fear. I already know I have pregnancy PTSD related to the death of my first child from a recessive genetic disorder my husband and I carry, and a termination for another diagnosis of this disease. In between those pregnancies, I had a healthy non carrier son and am counting down to a C section on March 7th of a healthy carrier son too. I'm terrified of having a 3rd c section too.

I've been seeing a psychotherapist and I am always the first to see the GP if I need help, either meds or counselling but just feeling a bit low. I know rib flare can be really common in pregnancy and 2 surgeries are bound to have taken their toll on my abdominal muscles, not to mention baby Euan is probably squashing the s*** out of my ribs and diaphragm. The OB is more than likely right but HA is such a bitch!.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent!

16-02-16, 21:26
I sympathise. I'm petrified of having a PE. I knew nothing about them until after my second son was born and I wish I lived in that little ignorant bubble again because you're right this HA is awful! I suffered a lot of back pain in my first pregnancy. For my second I kept very active which helped against it a lot. Unfortunately there is not a lot I can say to ease your mind as you already know how rare it is and you are getting help which is great! I'm sorry to hear about your other pregnancy sing the death of your 1st child, I can't imagine how hard that must be for you. Try not to let your hormones take over as well, they can make pregnancy extremely difficult. I hope you feel better soon x

16-02-16, 21:41
Thanks. I'm always ok with the lower back pain it's the middle and upper that gets me but I know rib flare is the most likely cause really. I had a clear abdominal ultrasound in December too so id like to think that would have picked something up!

Yes hormones are vicious haha, thanks for support x

16-02-16, 21:58
Ultrasound is very good at picking things up. Your back pain could also be anxiety related as I quite often get upper back pain and chest pain.
Hormones are awful things and we suffer from them a lot :hugs:
Not long now until your little one is here. It's such an exciting time! X

16-02-16, 22:45
I am sure the ultrasound would have picked it up - but do request another one of you need reassurance. After what you've been through, any Dr should understand your need for additional support. I can relate to this a little as I went through years of infertility and unsuccessful treatments before I got pregnant with my first, and I spent the whole pregnancy worrying about every single thing that could possibly go wrong. It's a very stressful time, and especially when having babies has not come easily. Wishing you lots of luck - and please don't feel bad asking for reassurance. Other people would need it too if they'd been through what you have xxx