View Full Version : Advice please.

28-02-07, 18:36
Hi, thanks for reading this. Im wondering if anyone could possibley help me im 24 years old and having big time problems with anxiety. I suffer quite badly with palpitations, very fast heart rate (100 - 120bpm ), and some times missed and extra beats, I have had serval ECG which the doctors seem happy with, but lately I have been suffering bad with dizzey spells a feeling like being very drunk these spells can last for 5 to 10 minutes but it leaves me feeling tired and very shakey. I have tried so many things to get shout of this but nothing is working. Its getting to the stage where I dont like going out with my partner or friends for a drink incase it puts extra stress on the heart, or one of these dizzey feelings happen, also Im finding it had at work as the job I do involves being on tip top conditon as I work for the emergency services. Please if anyone has any advice for me please help.

Many Thanks


28-02-07, 19:40
Hi Diane

Welcome aboard.

Have a good read of the website pages - especially the palpitations one and the Symptoms one.

This thread will also point you in the direction of loads of previous posts that will help...


28-02-07, 20:01
Thanks Nicola

28-02-07, 20:29
Hi Diane
Dizziness is horrible. I am lucky with my anxiety as I don't tend to get palpitations or rapid heart rate (not that I am aware of anyway) so it must be especially hard for you.
I too have been shying away from social occasions, and I know how frustrating it can be.
I think maybe you should take some pressure off yourself and have a whole week whereby you use any free time to rest and regenerate yourself. Be somewhere safe and happy and spend that time doing things that you really enjoy. Then when you have had a chance to feel a bit calmer, arrange to go out for a very quick social engagement - literally one drink, and even if you feel fine afterwards, leave at the time you agreed with yourself so that you can hopefully go out on a high!
A guy on here mentioned doing this in Asda (what is it with Asda!? I've seen so many threads mentioning people panicking in there... maybe I will go to sainsburys instead!), but sorry sidetracked!!!! oh yes, and he said just go in to get a paper and come straight out. That really worked for me too.
Good luck, xx Izzy

28-02-07, 20:47
Diane I am exactly the same.

I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks frequently and I dont go out as much now because of it....I wish there was some sort of cure for this as its horrible but you're not alone!

28-02-07, 20:57
Hi diane

Welcome aboard, you will be very supported here and the site contains so much infomation.

I suffer sever anxiety attack, where in the end once I feel Im going to pass out I have a panic attack, like asthma attack.
I also shy away from social events so I dont make a fool of myself.

Life must be very difficult for you right now and I bet you wonder if life will return to normal.

Has anything happened to you for this to come on, bad past or present?
it might be helpful for you to talk to us about it. Talking to strangers can help so much because you can say anything thats bothering you without feeling your applying pressure to families,friends etc. talking to some one you may never meet helps.
I hope you find the site helpful to you.
take care

28-02-07, 21:05
Thanks guys, for responding so fast.

As for the question that Ness asked I really dont know what has started this, maybe having a child young, which im now trying to rase with my partner and trying to hold down a career. I really could'nt tell you.

Thanks again

Diane xx

28-02-07, 21:41
I have noticed i have dizzy spells too at times, but I know its down to anxiety. Is it possible that your heart rate is doing it?