View Full Version : Hi Everyone

28-02-07, 18:49
I am new, although I have looked at the forums for a while.
I have always been a bit anxious and prone to depression, but my wife died last year and naturally, it got worse than ever. I did improve for a while, although not fully, but everything is now back with a vengeance and I have just increased my cipramil dose from 10 to 20 mg. I just hope it works.

28-02-07, 19:01
Hiya there Hampshirebear, so sorry to hear about your wifes passing, dealing with these cant be easy and even though its a year, it cant be easy. I know from experience when I lost my nan, my anxiety hit the roof, so did my ocd, but I was just wondering, what kind of support have you had regarding you depression and anxiety, I know its normal to feel sad on a passing but you did say you had depression from before. sometimes its hard to talk to people face to face and I find coming here is a great help, I hope you find support here as we all do, and I know when ever a anniversary is around the corner, it makes me feel sad, but getting on day by day can be hard, and try to stay postitive is not always easy. I wish you well, skylight

28-02-07, 19:10
Hi Skylight, thanks for the reply. Yes I had depression in the past, but nothing on the scale I have experienced in the past year. I did have counselling and it helped, but I have a full time stressful job and find keeping going extremely difficult as I am no spring chicken.

28-02-07, 19:13
Welcome to the site..great support n advice here..glad to have ya on board x

28-02-07, 20:06
Dear hampshirebear
so sorry to hear the loss of your wife ,and i hope things start to improve a bit for you soon
love dizzie

28-02-07, 20:57

Welcome to the forum you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

28-02-07, 22:33

A big warm welcome to you. xx

28-02-07, 23:24
Hi Hampshirebear,Im so sorry to hear about your wife,and that you are going through a hard time at the moment.You will get lots of support here.Im from hampshire to.:p Hope things get better for you soon.

Pink Princess
01-03-07, 00:04
hey, big warm welcome. hope you are well and hope you find the site helpful.
take good care

01-03-07, 13:36

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

Bran Bran
01-03-07, 20:45
Hi I'm Brandy. I have always had anxiety too, but before it was due to situations that make sense like job interveiws, and situations ect. My mom passed away not this, but the past Feb. Six months after that, my anxiety took off. I am at the end of my rope, and I have a sneaky idea that it has much to do with her death. I'm sorry for your loss. If you need anyone to talk to, find me. I'm sure I could use someone to talk to too

bye for now,

02-03-07, 02:11
Awww sorry to hear about your wife Hampshire Bear.

Welcome to the site , it has been a great help to me. There seem to be a lot of bears on here now, maybe we should set up a bear club? :rolleyes: