View Full Version : Lost

17-02-16, 01:45
Hi, completely new to No More Panic, but I had one of the worst attacks I've had in years and I can't seem to stop this shaky feeling. Sometimes my hands actually shake like they do when while I'm having an attack but I always feel shaky since this attack. I have a terrible headache and I'm so nauseous that I can't eat. In the past breathing exercises and meditation have helped me. I'm 20 years old and my parents are very religious and think that anxiety and panic are things that can just be prayed away. Does anyone have any suggestions?

17-02-16, 02:05
Hi, I've dealt with the same kind of shakiness. After my last big attack it took weeks for it to subside. I didn't have any coping strategies then though. Now whenever I get shaky I always try to find a place to sit down, I close my eyes and put in my headphones and play music that I find comforting. I focus on my breathing and the music and don't let myself think about anything else. It might not be the best method, but it always helps me clam down.