View Full Version : Warm Sensation on Thigh

17-02-16, 12:14

Does anyone ever have a warm sensation on their thigh that only lasts a few seconds? I've had this since January after my anxiety flare up again.



17-02-16, 14:24
Yes, I have. A few times, thought I was going mad. :wacko:
It's a very warm sensation, lasts a few seconds and I have no idea what it means.

17-02-16, 14:57
Together with a feeling as if cold water is tricking down leg or intense twitching of muscles. Not all at the same time but seperately over many many years.

Its due to hyperstimulated nervous system, generally from anxiety, sometimes it can be from back problems irritating the nerves enough to give sensation but no pain.

I first had these type of sensations 30 years ago:)

17-02-16, 15:05
Yes, you have explained it well.

I was going to say that it feels like urinating down the leg, as that is how it feels! :wacko:

The fact that you had this 30 years ago at least tells me that it won't kill me. :)

17-02-16, 18:32
30 years ago I was totally convinced I had ms because I had this trickling water sensations down one leg and also a pulsing tingle like someone had hit a tuning fork in same leg. Back then there were no mri scans or brain imaging as routine. I even saw a neuro who did all the neuro tests on me and sent me away.

This lasted for 6 months and then stopped totally. With hindsight it all started after I had been sitting on a hard bench for hours in the cold and I am guessing that this had irritated a nerve that went down my leg!

17-02-16, 18:58
Thanks Countrygirl.

Come to think of it, I too have been sitting on cold seats in the garden, but I normally put everything down to anxiety. I've also got the twitching thing back in that area.

17-02-16, 20:14
Thanks for your replies. My nerves do feel hyper sensitive at the moment especially my skin with some muscle twitches. It's strange, as the warm sensation occurs more when I'm sitting down - I did wonder if it was some sort of nerve compression issue just to add to my ongoing health anxiety.

17-02-16, 22:35
Whatever it is its not life threatening or a sign of any neuro disease, certainly not in me as I went on for other reasons to have mri scans of brain etc.

I get terrible twitching at times. I have had facial twitching usually around my mouth last for many many months before going away. Again I have always had this.