View Full Version : Afraid of lymphoma/throat cancer

17-02-16, 18:10
Hi everyone! I am new, but I've been reading through the forum for a while and it has really helped me get through a difficult patch of hypochondria. I just found a new issue to fixate on last night and I'm very concerned so hopefully someone can provide me some ease of mind.
Quickly let me say that I am a 21 year old male, non-smoker. I went to the doctor friday before last for an enlarged lymph node under my jaw that had me freaking out. The doctor felt it, was totally unalarmed (described it as soft and tiny). She referred me to an ENT and drew some blood just to be safe. The bloodwork all came back normal. I was briefly relieved but that same day I encountered a lymph node that felt exactly the same on the other side of my jaw basically in the same position. It's very possible it was there the whole time and I only just noticed it then after obsessive touching.
I managed to calm down a bit, but last night I noticed a little lump on my uvula. It sort of looks like a little flap of skin. It's the same color as my uvula, and it's very tiny. Of course now I'm freaking out, worrying I have head and neck cancer or that the lymph nodes and uvula thing are somehow related.
So I ask you all: does it seem like I have any legitimate cause for concern or am I being obsessive? I would love to hear from anyone who has gone through something similar. If any further clarification is needed, please ask. Thanks!

17-02-16, 22:08
I have these! I had he exact same concern. I remember crying in front of the doctor and he laughed. He was lovely and told me we all have them. All of us. They are our friends. Some of us, usually the slimmer of us, can feel them more. I prod mine a lot simply to remind self of how far I've come with my anxiety. It's still here. I remember I also had night sweats around same time (it was mid August). Your doctor will hopefully be as nice as mine who didn't let me go until he was convinced I was assured I didn't need to worry.

---------- Post added at 22:08 ---------- Previous post was at 22:06 ----------

Also, I know how intrusive these thoughts can be. From the initial punch to the gut fear to constant checking and reading on Google. I still do for other things but I tell myself to stop being a numpty.

17-02-16, 22:09
I'm a Head and Neck cancer survivor. What you describe is not indicative at all of the way H&N cancer presents.

Positive thoughts

18-02-16, 08:45
I'm also 21 and am having the same fear as you! Let me just say I'm so envious of you that you got tha all clear from the doc. I am literally terrified about going.... Just thinking about the doctors it makes me sick feeling. I'd say if you got the okay from the doc then put it to rest. You may have always had these and just discovered them by feeling around. Normal peopl don't feel around their bodies .. Us anxious people love doing it and it scares us to death if we find anything.

I just posted a thread about my possible lymph node on my neck towards the back . Kinda comforting to know I'm not alone with the fear. But I wish I could go to the doc for an all clear.. I'm worried sick . /:

20-02-16, 22:38
I'm a H&N cancer survivor.... no... just no.

Positive thoughts

20-02-16, 23:15
.. and no again...
We have lymph nodes everywhere. It would be more weird if you couldn't feel them. A medical professional has described them as 'tiny' which means they are not enlarged therefore no cause for concern....