View Full Version : New and feel so alone!

17-02-16, 20:51
This is the first forum I have ever joined in my life but I feel I'm at the point where I'm running out of ways of 'coping' (not coping at all) with my health anixety.
So here is a bit about my struggle, when it started and where I am presently.
When I was 20, I had a large mass on my hip, I thought nothing of it, in fact I would often joke about it! I had no idea what it was, if it where dangerous and what the cause was! I had ultrasounds, an MRI and biopsy before ultimately having it removed a year later. It was a lipoma, all be it a large one, but not dangerous.
Throughout this whole situation, I had not one worry! No anxiety and thought very little of it!

Roll on 2014...I fell pregnant with my first baby! A complicated pregnancy which began with a doctor telling me I was having a miscarriage. I was not, thus began my loss of faith with my doctors surgery.
My whole pregnancy I had this feeling of dread that something was going to happen, minus a few blips, I went on to have a healthy baby boy, the love of my life, in March 2014.

Since then, my anxiety has been out of control. Id go as far as to say, taken over my life. I worry about my baby boy, worry he will fall seriously ill and I won't be able to help him! But more recently I have been convinced that something is going to happen to me. And I will leave him and he won't remember me and no one will love him the way I love him.

Towards the end of 2015 I had irregular bleeding. I was convinced I had cervical cancer. I would cry and cry, I would look at my son and cry! I would watch him sleep and cry. I went to multiple doctors appointments, pleaded with them to give me a smear test (they did not so I opted to pay and have one privately) the results were clear, though this was not enough for me. I then paid for a HPV test to test for any potential high risk cancer causing viruses, again, clear. I felt relived and stopped worrying about that.

So now we're February 2016, last Thursday I noticed 4 swollen lymph nodes on in the right hand side of my neck. Small, movable, but there! I have not been ill, had no infections, no reason for swollen lymph nodes.
I googled...I'm now convinced I have Hodgkins, or thyroid cancer. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't focus on anything! Worst of all, I can't enjoy my beautiful, happy, amazing son! I read symptoms that's others have had, I then start to have them myself! (This also happened whe I convinced myself I had cervical cancer)
The doctors won't take me seriously, I saw a GP today who totally dismissed me, literally told me he was going to do nothing as it was skin related (have had mild acne for over 10 years) never have these results in swollen lymph nodes. I walked out, cried and have felt awful the rest of the day.

Basically I feel like I'm going crazy. I feel like I'm sat with some form of cancer and the more I sit and wait, the more it's spreading and becoming untreatable. I feel so low and on the verge of a breakdown! I have had two panic attacks today alone! I could just do with hearing from others in my situation and how you cope with these! Please!

(Sorry for the ridiculously long post!)

17-02-16, 21:10
Hi there!

Sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish. Similarly to you, I was told there was complications in my first pregnancy (except there was which ultimately resulted in a neonatal loss) but have a healthy 3 year old and will be having a c section in 19 days too. I have also had to have a termination for a medical reason in between healthy pregnancies. Since my first, I have had terrible HA, though it peaks and troughs, with and without medication.

You could have had a virus with no symptoms hence the lymph nodes. It really happens, I promise! Sorry you haven't had that much support though. Have you tried CBT or medication? xx

17-02-16, 21:22
Hi kitsmum I know what it's like to constantly panic every single day about your health & your children. I to have had a tough time since having my second baby, doctors don't listen to me & it's so frustrating. Although I don't suffer with your symptoms I do know that if you keep panicking things will get worse before they can get better. I to am consumed every day with the thought that sonething has to be seriously wrong with me, I felt fine before I gave birth. I started anti d's in December at that time I was an absolute wreck I couldn't eat or sleep, but after 4 weeks I started to feel a lot calmer & slowly the horrible thoughts & half the horrible symptoms started disappearing. I'm not saying "I'm better" I'm far from it but I know how bad you can feel at the hight of your panic. I just wanted to let you know your not alone ��

17-02-16, 21:37

You are definitely not alone. I had HA 4 years ago with breast/cervical cancer scare. When all my results came back clear, I decided that I must have a neuro condition. After several neuro tests/CT/MRI scans found nothing, I decided enough was enough and had 5 months CBT for my health anxiety.

Was fine for 4 years until last November when my sinuses played up and am now convinced I have something horrible going on in my ears/nasal area. Again, several tests/CT/MRIs have shown nothing and ENT aren't very helpful.

Since coming onto this forum almost a month ago, and chatting to people who also have HA, I have been able to calm myself down somewhat, with the help of upping my meds and being referred for counselling, feel like I am slowly starting to get a little bit of control back :)

It is nice to chat to others with similar issues. I hope that you find it as helpful on here as I have! xxxx

17-02-16, 21:39

Don't feel alone! I have totally had swollen lymph nodes with no symptoms. They went away after a while. And it was definitely nothing serious, because I'm here, alive and well. Your lymph nodes swell in order to protect your body from disease, and if you aren't feeling ill, that means they've done a great job!

If they continue for months on end, get them checked out, but in the meantime, try to remind yourself that this is normal and probably not a cause for concern.

17-02-16, 21:40
Hi hun, so sorry you feel this way, I hope it gives you some comfort knowing you're not alone.
I've found CBT to be very useful, if you live in England most trusts have a self referral system whereby you don't have to see a Gp.
If you research CBT, it might help you to see if you think this would be useful to you.

17-02-16, 21:48
Your not alone trust me. I think pregnancy has a lot to play in health anxiety. I was at my worst whilst pregnant found a lump been told it's lipoma, however since then I'm convinced it's cancer. Like you worry it's spreading however iv had blood tests all come back normal. I do find speaking to people with same anxiety helps. I'm sure u r absolutely fine x

17-02-16, 23:54
Hi there,

I probably don't have any good advice for you but wanted to say hello because in many ways I can relate.

I began having headaches 2 days after my baby was born (11-18-15). For the first month I wasn't worried about them at all. It wasn't until new symptoms began to crop up and the headaches didn't go away that I began to obsess.

At this point I'm certainly not convinced that there isn't something wrong with me, but for me, the concern is the obsessing. I feel like the emotional side to this is far worse than the symptoms themselves. :(

I relate to you feeling sad that you are not enjoying your amazing little person as much due to the anxiety. I too, feel like I'll regret this in years to come. I do try very hard though to both smile and be positive around her, and I hold her a lot. I don't leave her to cry while I'm in a room crying or anything like that.

Hang in there. I'm around if you ever would like to talk to someone else going through similar.