View Full Version : Seeing doctor about lymphoma -- very scared

17-02-16, 21:25
Last Wednesday, I noticed there was a sort of hard mass on the left side of my neck, just under the ear. It's not actually a lump, it's just very hard and firm. I'm not even sure it's a lymph node but I tend to think it is. There is another, way smaller lymph node on that side of the neck which is not very hard, and I wouldn't say it's enlarged but it does feel very weird. Neither of them is painful. Of course, I googled the symptoms and it turns out it might be lymphoma. I wanted to make an appointment with my GP but she's on holiday so I will be seen by another doctor next week. I'm very scared it might be lymphoma. I don't have night sweats, no itching, lost some weight but I think it's all due to this anxiety and stress in general, and lately I haven't been very hungry. I also have very low fever (37.2 or so) in the evenings. The idea of having lymphoma is killing me. I'm prone to having cancer anxiety; just recently I thought I had tonsil cancer because my right tonsil was enlarged and there was a small white bump on it; the tonsil is now back to normal but the bump is still there which adds to my general anxiety levels.
I'm sure for the next seven days I will be having nightmares because and think that I have cancer. :unsure:

17-02-16, 21:39
What's interesting about your post is the title. Between yourself and Dr Google you've diagnosed yourself. The thread title should read "Seeing doctor about bumps on my neck"

By doing this you've created a scenario whereby your anxiety has a source of fuel. More likely is that it's a lipoma or cyst of some sort as you're not exhibiting any other symptoms.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Positive thoughts

18-02-16, 08:50
Having the SAME fear right now. Good for you for getting a doctors apt. My fear of the doctors is making this all worse because I can't get myself to go. I discovered a smal bump like thing that's towards the back of my neck on the side . Just discovered this 2 days ago. Today after googling & I have seriously scared myself about lymphoma or head and neck cancer. I feel so worried that I sick about it. The bump is small and definitely the size of a pea or smaller but I am terrified if it's something bad.
You are not alone my friend, I'm in the same panic as you. I hope you let us know how your apt went! Stay atrong.