View Full Version : Just started Escitalopram -- now unsure?

17-02-16, 22:06
Hi Everyone,

I've been going down this lovely road of anxiety and panic attacks that we've all trekked along for the last decade or so. I've talked myself down from some pretty anxious times, survived the unnecessary ER visits, and thought I was home free.

Well, my panic attacks became more frequent and I finally sought help. My doctor, after hearing everything I put my mind through on a daily basis, offered to give me a prescription for Escitalopram (10mg). I was hesitant because I've never been on a regular medication before, but I told him I'm so exhausted from dealing with my anxious thoughts that I'll try anything.

I'm now on Day 2 of the medication and I feel awful. I feel so tired during the day, my head is a little foggy, I feel a bit spacey when I'm walking around and I'm no further away from the feeling of having a panic attack than I was two days ago. I know this is supposed to take time, but now I'm scared that I've put myself on a road that maybe I didn't need to go down.

I'm scared I'm giving my body these chemicals that it doesn't need and I'm going to regret doing this.

I just need some encouragement because now I'm a wreck.

Thanks for your time. :bighug1:

18-02-16, 04:34
Well, called my Dr and said I wasn't feeling right and my anxiety had gotten worse. He instructed me to discontinue immediately. I was surprised he didn't advise me to ride it out for a few weeks.

18-02-16, 05:39
Hello! I have been on Escit for over a month now. I went through awful side effects for two to three weeks. My story is very similar to yours. But I stuck it out. I'm not where I want to be but I find that I don't ruminate over things or have panic attacks any longer. It's been a huge relief for me. I went through exactly what you described. My psych also prescribed Valium low dose to get me through the scary first few weeks and side effects. I'm glad I've hung in there.i had major fear of meds and didn't want to be on a reg medication. But k realized my brain was sick. Just like someone needs insulin or blood pressure meds, I need meds for my brain. Over 5 years, I tried every natural route you can think of. anyway, finally I just took the plunge. So glad I did. It just may be that the med wasn't right for you. Or you may not have given it time. Either way, I wish you the best. It's really the pits but don't give up. Feel free to message me any time. I've been through it! And still fighting!!