View Full Version : Really bad health worries because of work

18-02-16, 02:20
Hi guys,

Four months ago I started working part time at a daycare. Of course it's been four brutal months as I've been sick almost constantly.

Bad colds, stomach flu, chest infections, and sinus infections. Absolutely terrible. I only work Thursday's and Friday's because I'm in school but I honestly dread going to work because I feel like it makes me sick every weekend. Even just thinking about work makes me fee nauseous as I'm really scared about getting the stomach flu again that I mentally give myself the symptoms.

I'm really thinking of leaving because I can't take it anymore. I already have health anxiety and this doesn't make it any better.

I also truly think the place has mold. It's over 100 years old and there has been a lot of leaks and exposure to water. Could that make me feel really sick? I seem to be okay all week until Thursday. It's like as soon as I step into the building I have this feeling of fear and I feel sick to my stomach. I really don't know what to do other than quit.

Sorry for the rant :(

18-02-16, 06:08
Because of all the emotional stress that this has been causing you - maybe you should leave... For the sake of your sanity ya know?
My boyfriends gram watching a a baby for her friend weekly and ever since she started she seems to be getting sick more. Weird huh? Kinda like your situation though.. Kids are lil germ balls and maybe you're exposing yourself to all the germs.
About the mold thing..have you ever brought this up to your boss or whoever is in charge? Maybe you should express your concerns and they could have someone come on for mold detection. I would talk about it to your manager/boss and then decide if you should leave. Good luck !

18-02-16, 10:44
Kids are germ factories:)

My friend was a nursery teacher and after having her children and being at home she want back to work! for the next 3 years she was never bug free. I spoke to her every 2 weeks and she was ill at every call. Then it all stopped and she hardly ever got anything in the following 10 years.

So its perfectly normal to get ill alot when you are first in contact with kids. Grandparents suffer same thing when they suddenly get grandkids!

If you love the job and the contact with the children then its worth putting up with it as my friend did but if not then for your mental health sake maybe find something else.

18-02-16, 17:12
I really think you need to quit. No job is worth that - if you turn up to work and have a feeling of fear and nausea, the job isn't right for you at all.

There are plenty of other opportunities for work part time to help you out while in school. You'll do so much better if you find a job you're happy to do and don't get sick from or fear going to!

It's irrelevant whether the place itself is making you ill, or if it's causing symptoms because of your anxiety - the result is the same.

Good luck!

18-02-16, 18:02
When my kids first started school, they were like that. It was cold after cold after cold. Then strep, flu, stomach bugs, etc. The first 2 years was full of germs.